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As Epin exited the city, he was ambushed by Arod and two of his gang. Epin could see Otis, as was typical and a new boy. Epin seemed to remember him as the one being beaten on by Arod and his gang at the falls a few days ago. "This is Otto. Otis' kid brother." Said Arod. "Figure you should at least know who is going to be stomping your face into the ground." Otto, unlike his brother was thin and a bit taller than Otis. He shared the blonde hair and blue eyes of his brother. But unlike Otis, Otto's face was not filled with anger, but rather uneasiness. Epin turned and faced Otto. Epin stood also.

  • Star Wars: The Alderaan Affair/Part XII - Padawan
  • As Epin exited the city, he was ambushed by Arod and two of his gang. Epin could see Otis, as was typical and a new boy. Epin seemed to remember him as the one being beaten on by Arod and his gang at the falls a few days ago. "This is Otto. Otis' kid brother." Said Arod. "Figure you should at least know who is going to be stomping your face into the ground." Otto, unlike his brother was thin and a bit taller than Otis. He shared the blonde hair and blue eyes of his brother. But unlike Otis, Otto's face was not filled with anger, but rather uneasiness. Epin turned and faced Otto. Epin stood also.
  • As Epin exited the city, he was ambushed by Arod and two of his gang. Epin could see Otis, as was typical and a new boy. Epin seemed to remember him as the one being beaten on by Arod and his gang at the falls a few days ago. "This is Otto. Otis' kid brother." Said Arod. "Figure you should at least know who is going to be stomping your face into the ground." Otto, unlike his brother was thin and a bit taller than Otis. He shared the blonde hair and blue eyes of his brother. But unlike Otis, Otto's face was not filled with anger, but rather uneasiness. "I told you you I'd get you back Lanmaw." Said Arod, who pointed his finger at Epin. As soon as Arod pointed his finger, Otis rushed Epin and tackled him to the ground. Epin and Otis rolled around struggling while Otto looked on nervously. "Well, go. You want to be in the gang, don't you? Do as I say, when I say!" Shouted Arod. Otto jogged over to where Epin and Otis were fighting. Epoin had gained the upper hand and had just flipped Otis onto his back. "Stop it!" Epin yelled at Otis. "Arod's a jerk, why do you listen to him!?" "Shut up!" Screamed Otis as he rolled onto his stomach and got to his feet. "Arod's my best pal!" Otis took a swing at Epin, who dodged and kicked Otis' feet out from under him. Otis hit the ground. He got back to one knee and noticed his brother watching. "Well, aren't you going to help your big brother?!" Arod shouted. "He seems to be having a little trouble." Epin turned and faced Otto. The two watched each other for a moment. Epin wondered if Otto was going to listen to Arod. Otto hesitated as though thinking hard. "Go help your brother." Said Epin. "Look out!" Shouted Otto, pointing behind Epin. When Epin turned he was greeted by Otis' fist to his face. Epin hit the ground face first. Otis immediately jumped onto Epin's back and grabbed Epin's hair. Arod laughed joyfully and walked over. "Well Lanmaw, what shall we do with you?" Said Arod arrogantly. Arod stepped on Epin's head and twisted his foot several times, grinding Epin's face into the grass and dirt. "Pick him up." Said Arod. Otis obliged and held Epin up and restrained him by holding Epin's arms behind him. Arod sneared at Epin, who stared back through the dirt on his face. "You're nothing Lanmaw, I see that now. You got lucky at the lake." Arod said turning his back. "I'm not sure what I want to do now." "Fight me yourself coward!" Shouted Epin, who was fired up now. Arod turned and smacked Epin and followed up with a kick to his stomach. Epin fell to the ground and coughed as Otis released him. Arod again stomped onto his head. "To think, I thought of you as a threat!" Said Arod as he kicked Epin to roll him over. Arod spat on Epin. "Come on boys." Arod said, motioning to Otis and Otto. "Back to the Manka." Epin lay on the ground for a few moments, contemplating what had just occured. "What just happened!?" Epin said as he sat up. "Manka?" "You were beaten." Said Kreia, a hint of humor in her tone. "You were insufficiently focused on the situation, and so, you were beaten to the punch as some might say. Though, for this particular instance, it's quite literal is it not?" "Guess so." Said Epin, rubbing his face where he had been hit. "Come, I will teach you more on the subject after you clean up and rest a bit." Said Kreia. The pair started towards the farmlands. Epin arrived at his house to find his parents outside in the shed, apparently in an argument as he could hear their voices raise occasionally. "Typical." Epin said as he ducked underneath the windows to sneak into the house. He thought he caught the words 'Sith' and 'Dark Side', though he had no idea what they meant. "Are they still going on?" Said a voice a Epin shut the front door behind him. It was Rena, who was peering out a window towards the shed. "Yeah, what's it about this time?" Asked Epin as he turned the faucet in the kitchen and began washing his face and hands. "What is it ever really about Epin?" Said Rena with a sigh. "Anything and everything, I mean you know how they are." "Yeah." Said Epin, not really paying attention to her. "Anyway, Rena, I'm off to bed I guess." "Mhm." Rena replied as she turned away from the window and back to her food. Again Epin awoke in the early hours and made his way to the shower. Afterwards he put on his usual tunic and robes and made his way outside. "Kreia?" He said tentatively. She appeared at once. "Yes?" Kreia said. "Well, uh, I had some questions before we started today." Epin said. "Oh?" Said Kreia, her eyebrows raised. "Yeah. Uh, what is Sith? And Dark Side?" Epin asked quickly. "I heard my parents arguing last night and..." Kreia held up her hand and Epin halted immediately. "I'm not certain I can answer that for you.” Said Kreia as she turned her head momentarily toward the sky. She paused for a moment then returned her gaze to Epin before finishing her senence. “Without more questions being brought forth by it.” Epin said nothing. The two stood in place, surveying each other. Though as usual it was difficult to determine exactly what Kreia was looking at due to her not possessing pupils or an iris in either eye. After a few moments Kreia slid her hand over her mouth, stroked her chin once, and then broke the silence. "Remember the Holocron from that wreck in the mountains?" Said Kreia. "Yeah." Replied Epin. "Where is it?" Asked Kreia. "Tucked away in my room." Said Epin. "You told me to..." "Go get it." Said Kreia, cutting him off. "Now." Epin went back into the house and returned with the triangular Holocron in his hand. "Open it." Said Kreia. Epin looked puzzled. "Open it with your will." Said Kreia. "I don't..." Epin said, confused. "Which is why you are not ready to know the answers to your questions." Kreia answered. “When you are able to open that object, you will have the answers that you seek. Perhaps more answers than you would like in fact.” Epin tucked the Holocron into his pocket and sighed. “Do not trouble yourself with it at the moment, instead let us walk and we shall discuss more on the subject of your defeat.” Kreia said. “Alright.” Said Epin. The pair walked to the edge of the farmlands and sat down, Epin looking toward the palace. It was easy to distinguish it against the darkness, even without the several lights that were on in some of the upper windows. “Wonder if Leia's up?” He said, leaning back a little and propping himself up on his elbows. Kreia made a comment that Epin did not catch completely. He did think he heard her say the words mind and properly trained. “Pay attention now.” Said Kreia. “Your failure to focus is what caused your defeat yesterday so listen if you wish to correct that.” Epin sat up and looked at Kreia who had sat down next to him. She looked directly at him and spoke clearly and deliberately. “To read someone's thoughts and emotions is one of the most basic principles of using The Force.” Said Kreia. Epin recalled hearing this back in the caves where he had retrieved the Holocron now sitting in his pocket. “The Force is what gives you the ability to react quickly to situations in the manner that you do. It is what gives you your precognition, or your foresight.” Said Kreia. Epin didn't say anything to this, so she continued. “Before I continue, I must ask that you keep what we are discussing a secret.” Kreia said seriously. “You must not tell anyone about what we talk about here today.” Epin looked directly at her. “Okay.” He said. Kreia paused and drew a breath before going on. “The Force is a great and at the same time, terrible thing.” She said. “It is both the savior and vanquisher of life.” Kreia looked to the horizon before continuing her explanation. A few large winged creatures flew by overhead calling softly to each other with squawks and a low roaring type of sound. Epin remained focused on her and her voice. “With The Force you are able to command and will almost anyone or anything to do your bidding as you have witnessed and performed. But be warned that misuse of the abilities may taint your vision and your future.” “My vision?” Said Epin, puzzled? “Like my actual vision, or my mind?” Kreia nodded. “Perhaps both, and not merely figuratively.” “Why are you telling me this?” Asked Epin. “What does it have to do...” “It has everything to do with the Holocron boy.” Said Kreia, a tad angrily. She caught herself and heaved a sigh. “Forgive me.” Kreia stated as she looked at Epin. “I forgot that you are ignorant to this topic and of course you would have questions.” Kreia pressed her fingertips together and rested her hands on her lap. Epin stayed silent. He didn't feel now was the time to interrupt, regardless of Kreia apologizing or not. “It has everything to do with it.” Said Kreia. “Using The Force is the only way to open the Holocron and thus obtain the answers you seek. Of course, I could give them to you, but it has been many years...” Kreia trailed off and went silent. She seemed to lose her train of thought and began to squint her eyes as though trying to remember something long forgotten to time. After several minutes of silence, Kreia began speaking again. “My apologies young one, I was just remembering things from long ago.” She said turning to look at him again. “It's okay, sometimes it's good to remember the past.” Said Epin cheerfully. Kreia laughed slightly. “Indeed it is, though not too often dear boy. For if you always look back, you will never see what's in front of you. Let us continue the lesson shall we?” She ran her hand over her head and scratched her neck, thinking about the best way to continue her speech. “You already have a good grasp of using your powers without thought as demonstrated when you were defending Miss Leia in the city.” Said Kreia. “So I am confident you require no more instruction on dealing with a single assailant. However, when it comes to two or more, well you already know.” Epin nodded. “What do I have to do?” He said, balling his fists. “I want to make them pay for what they did to me. I could have beaten them if they didn't...” “Yes well, life is not always fair now is it?” Said Kreia, interrupting him and continuing her own lecture. “In order to deal with multiple assailants you must have multiple minds.” Said Kreia extending her finger to emphasize. Epin looked confused. “Multiple minds? How is that possible?” “It simply means preparing your mind sufficiently.” Said Kreia. “In much the same way you deal with one opponent, allow your consciousness to reach out around you, taking in the multiple minds of several people at once. Instead of just a single person.” “How do I reach out with my consciousness?” Asked Epin. “You are already doing it.” Replied Kreia simply. “Be aware of your surroundings and the Force will guide you. There will be situations of course where a more astute mind will be required, but we are getting ahead of ourselves.” “So just remain calm?” Asked Epin. “Put simply, yes.” Said Kreia, standing up. Epin stood also. “Listen to your inner voice Epin.” Kreia said as she disappeared. “The Force will show you the way.” “Wait Kreia. Where?” Epin said surprised by her abrupt departure. “Lanmaw!” Cried a voice. Epin spun and saw Arod Vekkar walking toward him accompanied by a man dressed in all black. The pair stopped a few feet in front of Epin and Arod drew his thumb across his throat. “You're finished scum. This is Davit Baklunti, he's a Manka.” Said Arod, motioning to his companion. Davit was a muscular man. Epin could see his large arms as Davit was wearing a sleeveless shirt. There was a tattoo on his arm of a Manka, a predatory animal that was extremely aggressive. “So?” Said Epin, sizing Davit up. Was he going to have to fight Davit? Epin didn't like the look on his face. It was expressionless and difficult to read. Davit cracked his knuckles and flexed his arms. Epin removed his robes so they did not hinder him. “Let's see just how bad you are scum!” Arod pointed to Epin and Davit charged. Epin was knocked to the ground as Davit landed a hard blow to Epin's stomach with a knee. Rolling into the fall, Epin regained his footing and jumped out the way just as Davit came down with a punch that hit the ground, leaving a small indent where his fist connected with the dirt. Davit stood up and rubbed his hand. “Ah, you have some skill.” His voice was rough and emotionless, like this was just a game he was playing with Epin. “Yeah, well, I've been in a few scraps in my life.” Said Epin. Epin remained with one knee on the ground, his left hand on the ground and his right hand balled up and raised at his side. What was his next move going to be? With great speed, Davit lunged and Epin was able to roll away again. He caught a glimpse of Arod watching the fight as he got to his feet and landed a punch to the back of Davit's head. Davit stumbled but immediately regained his footing and whirled around with a hook that missed Epin as he ducked and pulled Davit's leg from under him, sending Davit to the ground. Epin jumped and drove his full weight onto Davit's knee and with a great scream from Davit, Epin heard it break. “NO!” Screamed Arod as he turned and ran. Epin stepped back from Davit, who despite having a broken knee, began speaking to Epin quite plainly, as though continuing a conversation they had been having. “That was quite a move boy.” Said Davit, wincing as he pulled a small blade from his boot and used it to rip the knee area of his pants to inspect it. “Thanks...I guess.” Said Epin scratching his nose. “Uh, why were you attacking me?” “A job.” Said Davit simply. “I'm a...well it doesn't matter right now. You put up a good fight for someone so young. How would you like to make some credits fighting?” “I don't know.” Said Epin. “I don't like fighting really.” Davit sighed. “Well, you don't have to like something to do it.” Search his mind, find out why he wants you to do this. Look directly into his eyes and force your will onto his and command his mind to obey. Came Kreia's voice. Epin made eye contact with Davit. “What are you hiding exactly? Why should I do this fighting?” Epin asked calmly as he concentrated on willing Davit to tell the truth. Davit blinked several times in succession and answered promptly. “Arod Vekkar.” Said Davit. “This was just a trick to lull you into thinking you could fight. He's waiting for me to contact him and tell him you accepted and are on your way to the club.” “Club?” Asked Epin, narrowing his eyes. “The Manka, you know, The Black Mankas.” Replied Davit. “They have a fight arena underneath that restaurant, King Junior in Aldera. The entrance is in the ground, you just slide the dumpster behind the building aside and enter the pass code into the pad on the wall.” “Do you know the code?” Asked Epin. Davit seemed to struggle a bit. He shook his head and smacked himself, as if trying to come to grips with something. “I'm not giving that info to a punk kid.” He said angrily. At this, Davit stood up and immediately crumpled as he put weight onto his shattered knee. He swore as he toppled to the ground. Focus! Said Kreia. You're going to have to pull the info from his mind. You already know where the entrance is and how to get to it, so search his memories and see if you can find the code buried in one of his trips to the place. Epin relaxed. Do exactly what I tell you. Kreia said calmly. With practice you will be able to find out practically anything you wish. When I say something, you think of that place or object. Epin squinted his eyes, readying himself. Aldera. King Junior. Alley. Dumpster. Said Kreia. Now visualize a set of ten numbers from zero to nine formed in the style of a keypad regularly found around the city. Tell him that he needs to get down there. “52577.” Said Epin. “Those are the numbers he thought of.” Excellent. Said Kreia. You will find others may be more difficult to dive into than he. But these are the basics of pulling information from someone. Simply follow the trail. Come, let us depart before he comes around fully. I think it wise you reflect on my words and the days events in any case. Epin grabbed his robe which he had removed earlier and put it on. Kreia appeared at Epin's side as he walked. “Now that you have the code, you may enter any time you wish.” Kreia said. Epin looked at her with raised eyebrows. “Oh yes, but that will come in time.” She continued. “When you have progressed further with your training. Though I don't believe you will find any others like yourself there. And even if you do, they won't have been trained by myself. Come, let us refresh ourselves with a meal...” “Food?” Laughed Epin. “But you're...” Kreia halted him with a gesture. “Yes, but I'm still allowed to speak normally am I not?” Said Kreia, slightly amused. Epin smiled and laughed as Kreia gave a grin in spite of herself. Leia sat on the edge of a large stone fountain in the palace's garden and watched as people gathered for the day's Matching. Bail Organa approached and sat down next to her. “Leia, it's the last day of the Matchings.” Said Bail, putting his arm around her. “Do look like you're at least interested in the goings on of palace activities.” Leia sniffed and looked at him. “I can't wait until it's over dad, this is so boring.” She said. “None of these boys are really interested anyways.” “That's not true.” Bail told her, giving her a little squeeze. “Plenty of them have said they'd be very interested in visiting Alderaan again to see you.” “Yeah, I bet none of them could tell you a thing about me.” Huffed Leia. “You don't know that.” Said Bail. “Maybe if you paid more attention...” Leia stood up abruptly. “I need my dad right now, not King of Alderaan thanks.” Leia said angrily as she hurried away toward the palace. “Leia I'm...” Started Bail as he stood up to follow her, but Leia had already disappeared into the crowd. Bail sighed and sat down again on the fountain edge as several people turned back to their own conversations. Epin and Kreia were sitting at the edge of Lake Antilles, discussing the day's activity and the fight with Davit. “Indeed.” Said Kreia, answering Epin's question about keeping focus during stress. “Keep your mind focused on the present and reach out to your surroundings. Through disturbances and fluctuations you will be able to maintain your awareness and even sense the presence of people who may be some distance away.” “Like Leia?” Asked Epin. “Yes.” Answered Kreia, with some interest. “People with a strong presence in The Force will be easier to locate or distinguish in a city or any group for that matter. It's easier after you've spent some time around the person you're trying to locate, as you will have gained a sense for their feel as you might call it.” “Well I feel like she's upset about something.” Said Epin, turning toward the cit, ty. “Indeed?” Asked Kreia. “Why? What do you feel?” Epin sat for a moment and squinted his eyes. Kreia interlocked her fingers and watched with a skeptical look on her face, though she remained silent while Epin thought. “I feel the same way as I feel when she's talking with me and she's upset about something.” Said Epin finally. “I feel sad as well.” Kreia nodded. “Empathy.” She said simply. “Though strengthened by The Force and not merely just you recognizing how she feels.” “Yeah, I guess so.” Said Epin, shrugging. “Good.” Said Kreia. “These feelings you can use as well when confronted. Emotions are powerful and can betray a person's true agenda or actions. Use their own feelings against them. Know what they are thinking and their actions before even they do.” “But how can I know if someone is thinking something if they haven't thought of it yet?” Asked Epin, truly puzzled. “Well, I imagine that in truth you cannot.” Said Kreia. “Though a skilled user of the techniques I have taught you will allow you to make predictions, which are nearly always accurate. A person may hesitate to make a move and you will recognize this hesitance in their feelings and emotions.” Epin nodded his head. “Would you like to go to her?” Asked Kreia. “Huh?” Asked Epin, startled. “Miss Leia.” Replied Kreia, standing up. “You've already told me you can feel her emotions. If you truly are able to do that, you will be able to sense her presence and thus, find her.” Epin stood up as well and brushed off his robes. “Right, so I should just feel her?” Said Epin. Kreia raised her eyebrows. “For lack of a better term I suppose.” She said. “Yes, reach out and feel for her presence. You will be able to tell in which general direction...” “She's that way, come on.” Said Epin pointing toward Aldera Palace and starting toward it. “Indeed.” Said Kreia, amused. “What made you believe a Princess would be found in a palace of all places?” Kreia then disappeared as Epin made his way toward Aldera. - Leia sat on the edge of her bed while Winter watched the Matching through their window. “Leia, you can't always run away from your problems.” Said Winter as she turned to sit on her own bed. “I know, but it's just so much to deal with all the time.” Said Leia. “Everyone always wants me to act a certain way or talk a certain way.” “I know, but this is how it is.” Said Winter. “What can you do? You're the Princess of Alderaan and one day you will be Queen.” “Not if there isn't an Alderaan to rule.” Said Leia angrily. “Come on Leia.” Said Winter in a bored voice. “Your dreams again? I know you think Alderaan is going to disappear, but that's simply not possible. How can a planet just cease to exist?” A tear rolled down Leia's cheek. “I know how it sounds.” Said Leia. “It sounds like you've just been having nightmares because you've been so stressed out.” Said Winter consolingly. Leia raised her head suddenly. “Epin?” She asked to herself. Winter looked questioningly at her. “I just heard Epin's voice.” Said Leia, standing up and going to the window to look out of it at the farmlands. “You're imagining things again Leia.” Said Winter. “Well maybe I am.” Said Leia, going to her dresser and changing out of her dress and into a simpler plain blue shirt and dark colored pants. “But I swear I feel like he's looking for me.” “Where are you going now?” Asked Winter. “You've got to be at the Matching, it starts soon Leia, come on. “You can cover for me right Winter?” Said Leia, winking at her and motioning to their bathroom. “Just use the dye and your hair will be the same color as mine. Just like we did before.” Winter rolled her eyes and sighed. “You can't just run from your problems you know Winter.” Said Leia smiling and heading out the door. - The last day of the Matching always brought about a surge of business for shops in Aldera, as various attendees purchasing extravagant gifts for one another in an effort to gain favoritism. Epin stopped at the edge of the gates into the city. He had just felt as though Leia was searching for him as well. “Leia's looking for me also.” Said Epin excitedly. “Wonder where she is?” He looked around eagerly but she wasn't anywhere in the immediate area. He sighed and leaned against the wall and slid down to sit. He sat for several minutes before he finally felt that Leia was nearby. He stood up and he saw her approaching. She looked around as she walked and catching sight of him, smiled and hurried over. “Hey Epin!” Leia said brightly as she hugged him. “Hey Leia.” Said Epin, hugging her back. “How come you're not at the Matching?” “Oh, Winter said she'd take care of it.” Said Leia, pulling away from the hug and waving her hand to dismiss the topic. “Look, let's not talk about okay? Please?” “Okay sure.” Said Epin. “So what do you want to talk about then? Did you want to have something to eat? I think I may have a few extra credits...” “No.” Said Leia, cutting him off and taking his arm. “Hey can we just walk around for a bit or something? Let's go to the lake!” “Well, I was just at the lake actually and...” Said Epin, but he trailed off at the look on her face, which grew sadder as her talked. “Come on, I'll be with you this time!” She said, smiling at him and squeezing his arm. Upon arriving at their destination, they decided to sit under the same tree that she and Epin had hid behind on the day they met Arod and his gang at the canyon. Epin felt that same chill on his body and cold in his stomach but paid it no mind, wishing to focus on his time with Leia without worry. They sat in silence for a few moments as the sun ducked behind some clouds. It was sometime after mid day, but Epin was unsure of the exact time. “Epin.” Said Leia finally. “I have to tell someone about the dreams I've been having. Well, someone who won't tell me I'm just stressed.” “Y...yeah sure Leia.” Epin said softly. “What are they about?” Leia drew a deep breath. “Alderaan.” She said, looking up into the clouded sky. “I have a dream where I see Alderaan and I see people, going about their lives. Then, the people disappear.” “Well, that's...” Began Epin. “I'm not finished yet.” Interjected Leia with a snap. She shifted her position and slid closer to Epin. “This is all I've ever said to anyone.” Leia continued. “But there's more. In the sky there's a huge round shape, like a moon. Then the people begin to burn and scream after a bright green light flashes from the round thing in the sky, and the screaming stops as suddenly as it began. Then I see Alderaan in pieces, like if you hit a large stone with a hammer how it cracks apart. Then I wake up sweating and I feel so cold.” She drew closer to Epin and laid her head on his shoulder. Epin put his arm around her and squeezed. “That's crazy stuff...” Said Epin. “I don't want to...” Leia said, drawing a short breath as though she wanted to cry. “Well, no, I wouldn't think so.” Said Epin. He leaned back against the tree and Leia came with him. He rested with one arm behind his head on the tree and one arm around Leia, who now rested on his shoulder and chest. A light breeze started and an Evod landed a few feet away, pecking at the ground as it searched for food. Epin felt a bit sleepy and began to doze. Epin awoke with a start and realized he must have fallen asleep. It was nighttime now and the moon was shining amidst a clear dark sky. Leia stirred also and sat up, rubbing her eyes. A bang was heard and they noticed fireworks exploding over the city, signaling the end of the Matching. “Well it's finally over.” Said Leia happily. The pair sat up and watched the display of exploding colors. “Hey, uh Leia.” He said as he took hold of her hand. “I, um, want to tell you something that has been on my mind for a while now.” Leia watched him and in the bright moonlight, he could see that she was smiling widely and blushing slightly. This didn't help Epin's mind. Shakily, he put his hands on her shoulders. After a few moments hesitation Leia broke the silence. “Are you going to kiss me?” She asked. Leia dropped her gaze to the ground for a few moments, then brushed her hair behind her ears and returned her focus to Epin. Not expecting her to answer the way that she did, Epin faltered and dropped his hands from her shoulders. “Oh, well, I was just...” He stammered. Leia reached down and took his hands and placed them back on her shoulders. “You can if you want to.” She said. With the fireworks exploding in the city, Epin pulled her closer and she in turn responded by leaning in towards him and they kissed for the first time. Leia giggled as they broke apart and smiled as she saw the look on Epin's face. He returned the smile and the two sat watching each other for a few minutes smiling and laughing softly together. “Want to do it again?” Leia asked finally, looking at him for a signal. “Yes!” Epin exclaimed. “Uh, only if you do.” He added swiftly. “Mmhm.” Said Leia, leaning in towards him again. Epin did the same and smiling at each other, they kissed once more. - Epin and Leia walked into the city, holding hands as they went. There was lots of activity in the city as people discussed the Matching and what they thought of particular choices of the various royalty. “Thank you for listening to me Epin.” Said Leia, squeezing his hand. “Yeah sure.” Said Epin. “Why wouldn't I listen?” A few people turned as they noticed Princess Leia holding hands and walking with a farm boy, when she was supposed to be in the palace. As they got closer to the palace, Leia stopped dead in her tracks causing Epin to walk ahead a few steps and breaking apart their hands. “What's up Leia?” Asked Epin. Leia pointed ahead and Epin turned to look. Bail and Breha Organa stood at the gates along with Winter who was off to the side with her head tilted and looking away towards the ground. Breha approached and stood before them with a look so determinedly calm that Epin actually shivered when she spoke. “You may go Epin, I have business with my daughter.” Breha's eyes remained on Leia as she spoke with a cold calmness that made Epin more than happy to be dismissed. Alderaan Affair Part XI - Part XIII
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