| - Insert the ^ (Shift 6) character at the start of a global search and a new window with the search results will open.
- Teamwork is a key element in SDGO, whether in pvp or in missions. However newer players may not be used to what experienced players consider basic stuff. This guide is to help those inexperienced players get to grips with the basics.
- The Higurashi no Naku Koro ni sound novels use intermissions where the player can obtain TIPS. They give the player information that may or may not be useful to the player in solving the mystery.
- coLinuxで使えるディストリビューションの簡単な印象です。勘違いがあれば訂正してください。
* ArchLinux 軽量?
* Ubuntu 使いやすさを重視。
* Fedora RedHat系。実験的な要素が強い。
* Debian 安定している。
* Gentoo カスタマイズ性に優れる。
- Regular Tips appear during loading screens. Context Tips appear when a certain even happes for the first time or when the user clicks the Help Button.
- When inserting text to My English Wiki, type two curly brackets around the nation name, such as {{Country}}. Or, use the three character, all CAPITAL LETTERS, country code, such as {{USA}}. More details at Nation name tips.
- Reply 1 Other reply. Third choice
- This page lists on-screen Tips in the Saints Row series, as well as general advice on ways to play the game.
- Tips are a piece of advance or confidential information given by another individual to have access to special information.
- Third Party politics can be difficult business. Talking to people about policies, or even finding the right way to go about addressing policies and events from a Libertarian perspective can present a great challenge to even the most experienced activist or candidate. This page has been created to outline effective approaches to the discussion of Libertarian issues, as well as ideas for campaigns and outreach you could organize in your area.
- You're encouraged to record even the tiniest tips here! If you have any questions, you can write it in Your voice page, but the response will be faster to ask in the Mailing list.
- Tips are tidbits of advice that appear on loading screens and briefly when respawning. They can be turned off in the Game Options menu. __TOC__
- Like the Higurashi no Naku Koro ni sound novels, Umineko also use intermissions where the player can obtain TIPS. They give the player information that may or may not be useful to the player in solving the mystery.
- You can ride any seahorse by right-clicking on them. Naija will move close to them and finally mount one. Use the right-mouse singing button to control them. They won’t stay with you from map to map.
- Tipping rules: Europe
* In France 5% is considered generous. For individual meals or coffee 1 euro is often left
* In Hungary, the average tip for services is 10-20% for taxis, restaurants, etc. Asia
* North America
- If you are battling a hard trainer start a 2 0n 2 and select the pokemon that you are trying to train, followed by a pokemon that has a slightly lower level than the first one. Also make sure that your second pokemon can take hits well. The enemy pokemon will automatically attack the second pokemon only, so your higher level pokemon won't be targeted. Also, if you have a dark type pokemon, it would be a good idea to train on "psycho" trainer, as none of his attacks will have any effect on your pokemon, meaning it can't be defeated as you slowly chip away at their health.
- Here's a list of all the Tips you see when you start or load a game. Their internal number is also shown. (from v. 1.2 English.str ScreenTips)
* 00 Hold down 'Alt' on your keyboard to quickly see health bars, tactical grid, attack ranges, unit orders, and more.
* 01 Pirate raiders and local militia favor colony ships as targets, so be careful when bringing one into a contested system.
* 02 Your first capital ship will be built for free, every one afterwards will be full price.
* 03 Capital ships stationed around friendly planets will slow the spread of enemy culture towards it.
* 04 Bomber strikecraft are very effective at attacking structures.
* 05 You can configure your capital ships to automatically upgrade their abilities when they level up by right clicking the A
- The many tips in the game are categorized into different types.
* amiibo tips focus on the use of amiibo.
* Fighter tips mainly provide information about characters' special moves.
* Stage tips give notes about stages.
* Item tips document items, Pokémon, and Assist Trophies.
* Mode tips provide notes about the various modes, including Smash Run and Smash Tour.
* Smash Run tips focus on enemies encountered in Smash Run, as well as its other unique features. (3DS only)
* Smash Tour tips focus on Smash Tour-exclusive features and gameplay. (Wii U only)
* Original Games/Settings (Background Info in Europe) tips explain the origins of characters, their games, and other elements of the game. (Wii U only)
* Other tips document game terminology and otherwise-unso
- (Title Screen Appears) (Warning Screen Appears) Franklin: Um, here's your Grande Chi Tea, sir. That'll be $9.50 please. Foamy: It's a medium. Here $3. Keep the change. Franklin: Um, (clears throat). Foamy: What, is my money no good here. Do I have to speak with your manager. Manager! Franklin: Ahem (pointing to a tip cup). Foamy: Oh-oh I see, a tip cup. Well, isn't that nice. So, so I guess you expect some sort of tip. Franklin: Um, it is customary. Foamy: So is heterosexuality, but that doesn't seem to phase you. Franklin: Pardon? Franklin: Hey, I had to go to college for this you know.
- Where is the best training spot to level up quickly? How to level up quickly in MapleStory? Where is the best place to train? How to get fast EXP? If you have all of those questions in your mind, you have come to the right place. This is a guide for those who would like to level up faster to achieve 4th job advancement quickly in MapleStory! In this guide, you will discover about the training basic concept and 8 great tips for fast EXP. . The basic training concept For low level monsters (Monster Level 1-40) 1.
* Close-Combat: 1-2 hit KO 2.
* Range-Combat: 1 hit KO _ Explanation . . . . . . .
- When the countdown starts, wait until the “2″ begins to disappear, then hold 2 to get a boost at the start of the race. after you die (fall off) hold accelerate (1 or A) the second you land.
* If you do a trick on a jump you can completely avoid a POW block item's effects.
* if you 'hop' on (karts or bikes) tap drift ( B or 1) or wheelie (on bikes) which then creates a blue circle around you you loose youre items but you do a spin and back to driving! stand backwards in front of a thwomp (the angry squares) and watch the turtle in the cloud get squished!
- Friendly, Basic RP Suvival Guide - This is a guide to help with those interested in roleplaying on a RP Server. I hope this will be a helpful guide for those wanting to "blend" in more into roleplay and into the Roleplaying community. To many of this looks like extra "work", but it's a nice finishing touch to your character, and for many, a prime requisite to playing on a rp server. Height, Weight and Age - There is a lot of confusion when it comes to describing non-Human height, weight and age. This article has been written to try to help those who may have this problem.
- Game (Points required for Trophy in parentheses)
* Galactic Defender Adventure(500)[Civics] - try to trap the ball between your paddle and the planet so it ricochets back and forth. You can get a lot of points that way.
* Match Wanted (940)[Civics] - make large combination. They are worth more points.
* Peabody Park Cleanup (2519)[Civics] - Run in straight lines around the edge of the board and then make one large X from the lower right to the upper left and from the lower left to the upper right. You can pick up most of the pieces that way.
* Peabody Park Half Pipe (4651)[Athletics] - ride back and forth until you are flying high and then do combination tricks like a backflip with a double kickflip.
* Sherman Homerun Derby (10000)[Athletics] - be patient and try to not m
- Ultimately, being able to survive is not enough; to advance the game, you must be capable of defeating threats that stand in your way. Several combat skills require training through use to be of much effect, and training adds to your attributes, as well. Remember, however, that combat skills are trained per swing, not per kill. Punching a golem ineffectually for hours trains your skills more than slaying hundreds of high-level monsters in one hit. As of Elona+ 1.14, the following are important factors to consider for monster slaying. Damage is determined by type of attack, equipped weapon, attributes, and skills.
- The fastest and better way to finish the game is to make the Main Missions first. That way the player can upgrade his rank in the Corleone Family. This is useful for hiring better crew. Also the player can upgrade his skills. It is suggested to upgrade Health and Street Smarts, so the player will not die so often and he will have a lot of weapons and the ability to steal parked cars heat free. Tips for earning respect:
| - Insert the ^ (Shift 6) character at the start of a global search and a new window with the search results will open.
- Game (Points required for Trophy in parentheses)
* Galactic Defender Adventure(500)[Civics] - try to trap the ball between your paddle and the planet so it ricochets back and forth. You can get a lot of points that way.
* Match Wanted (940)[Civics] - make large combination. They are worth more points.
* Peabody Park Cleanup (2519)[Civics] - Run in straight lines around the edge of the board and then make one large X from the lower right to the upper left and from the lower left to the upper right. You can pick up most of the pieces that way.
* Peabody Park Half Pipe (4651)[Athletics] - ride back and forth until you are flying high and then do combination tricks like a backflip with a double kickflip.
* Sherman Homerun Derby (10000)[Athletics] - be patient and try to not move around in the batter's box too much.
* Hide & Seek (500)[Intelligence] - Try to learn the names of the characters that are shown in the game and work in groups of 4. If your fist 4 are Lucky, Rabbit, Mrs. Seashore and Coach Danner keep repeating those names in order in your mind as you uncover the next tiles. When you find a match for one of those 4 (let's say Mrs. Seashore) go back to the start and add another one to the list of 4 so now you're looking for Lucky, Rabbit, Coach Danner and Rosie Ruiz. Concentrate on those 4 until you match one...etc.
* Countdown (3126)[Intelligence]- as you get to more complex equations do the math based on the last 2 digits for example) 29+44 just add the 9 and the 4 and then look for an answer that ends in a 3. There will likely be only one answer that ends in that digit.
* Lucky's Charmed Life (1250)[Intelligence]- try to run as fast as possible. You are faster than the kids and in most cases you can avoid them. Always collect ALL the bonus charms on every level for maximum points.
* Rope Race (785)[Athletics] - Use F11 to expand the window to Full Screen so you do not click off it and play on a large surface so you have lots of room to use your mouse.
* Wave Blaster (1201)[No category, prize of a Sylvie Sofa] - use the 'double' shooter to make maximum hits with a minimum of wasted shots. Shoot only when you need to shoot because wasted shots cost you points.
* Hop & Drop (450)[Athletics] - play on the hard level and keep practicing until you have memorized the proper routes for each level.
* Peanut Butter Toast Crunch Swirl (591)[No stats category, prize of Cereal (in addition to trophy)] - The game is entirely random. You can try dropping each piece from the same location but there is no guarantee that it will fall in the same location every time.
* Slap Shot Shootout (1800)[Athletics] - Choose better shooter and stay in one location shooting repeatedly at the same spot on the goal. I prefer shooting at the left side of the goal. Shoot repeatedly, do not stop for anything.
* Lucky Charms Sudoku (1000)[Intelligence] - Play the game repeatedly to get familiar with the structure and strategy. DO NOT use hints as they reduce your score.
* Peabody Park Fishing (No score given)[No category, prize of fish or other items pulled from the pond] - there is no trophy for this game. You can get fish (to eat), diamond necklaces, divers helmets, old teddy bears, and soggy boots from the pond.
* Snowboard Slalom (1500)[Athletics] - you need to have 100% health stats and 100% athletics stats to unlock Kelly (third character in the game). Once you have Kelly do a double backflip for 160 points. That will help you get a score high enough for the trophy. NOTE: Controlling Kelly is difficult and does require some practice.
* Solver (443)[Intelligence] - Play often and you will see familiar patterns and sets of letters. The more you memorize the high your score can go.
* Sink the 3 (1586)[Athletics] - Play on a slow computer using Opera or Mozilla Firefox and play on the largest size possible to have your window at maximum size and make the green bar more visible.
* Archery (No trophy)[Athletics] - Try to shoot balloons at higher heights because you earn more points.
* Rope Race: Use F11 on your keyboard to enlarge the screen (this way you don't accidently click off the page).
* Solver: Use an anagram website, or my (incomplete) list of Solver words. (Click the Solver icon to the left to view my list.)
* Sudoku: To just get a 1000 MB, and the 7 Intelligence points (trophy on Hard, maybe 1000 points), go to Medium. Do it as fast as you can, then as soon as you are done, starting click Hint. Click it until you have used up all of your hints, then click the main screen. This should give you at least 1000 mb.
* Wave Blaster: Get the item that allows you to shot out two things at once, but try not to shoot out too many, or else your accuracy will decrease.
- Friendly, Basic RP Suvival Guide - This is a guide to help with those interested in roleplaying on a RP Server. I hope this will be a helpful guide for those wanting to "blend" in more into roleplay and into the Roleplaying community. To many of this looks like extra "work", but it's a nice finishing touch to your character, and for many, a prime requisite to playing on a rp server. Height, Weight and Age - There is a lot of confusion when it comes to describing non-Human height, weight and age. This article has been written to try to help those who may have this problem. Roleplaying Your Class - When roleplaying your character, it is not only important to create a background for your character, but to have a reason your character is a specific class. While some classes may allow greater flexability with a character's reason for that class, some are just akward and make little sense.
- Teamwork is a key element in SDGO, whether in pvp or in missions. However newer players may not be used to what experienced players consider basic stuff. This guide is to help those inexperienced players get to grips with the basics.
- If you are battling a hard trainer start a 2 0n 2 and select the pokemon that you are trying to train, followed by a pokemon that has a slightly lower level than the first one. Also make sure that your second pokemon can take hits well. The enemy pokemon will automatically attack the second pokemon only, so your higher level pokemon won't be targeted. Also, if you have a dark type pokemon, it would be a good idea to train on "psycho" trainer, as none of his attacks will have any effect on your pokemon, meaning it can't be defeated as you slowly chip away at their health. The same idea works with training flying types on "DiglettDude", you won't be hurt at all and you can train on high level pokemon from the start.
- The Higurashi no Naku Koro ni sound novels use intermissions where the player can obtain TIPS. They give the player information that may or may not be useful to the player in solving the mystery.
- coLinuxで使えるディストリビューションの簡単な印象です。勘違いがあれば訂正してください。
* ArchLinux 軽量?
* Ubuntu 使いやすさを重視。
* Fedora RedHat系。実験的な要素が強い。
* Debian 安定している。
* Gentoo カスタマイズ性に優れる。
- Where is the best training spot to level up quickly? How to level up quickly in MapleStory? Where is the best place to train? How to get fast EXP? If you have all of those questions in your mind, you have come to the right place. This is a guide for those who would like to level up faster to achieve 4th job advancement quickly in MapleStory! In this guide, you will discover about the training basic concept and 8 great tips for fast EXP. In addition, below is a list of monsters that you can train on. It does not depend on what level your character, but more accurately, how much damage you can inflict to the enemy. To clarify: a low level pure STR (strength) warrior could inflict massive amount of damage similar to a high level normal warrior. Therefore, pure STR warrior does not train on the same level of monster with Normal warrior. Here is a useful damage calculator from Hidden-Street.net . The basic training concept For low level monsters (Monster Level 1-40) 1.
* Close-Combat: 1-2 hit KO 2.
* Range-Combat: 1 hit KO For medium level monsters (monster level 41-80) 1.
* Close-Combat: 2-3 hit KO 2.
* Range-Combat: 1-2 hit KO For high level monsters (monster level 81-140) 1.
* Close-Combat: 3-4 hit KO 2.
* Range-Combat: 2-3 hit KO For higher level monsters (monster level 141-200) 1.
* Close-Combat: 4-5 hit KO 2.
* Range-Combat: 3-4 hit KO _ Explanation For close combat (warriors), they are able to inflict extra hit compare to range-combat because their skill takes the least MP (mana points). Those who inflict more hits to cover up the loss of less damage per hit will consume more MP (waste meso to buy MP potions) and it gives the chance for monster to recover from the attack and hit you. The lesser hit it takes to KO (knockout) a monster, you stand a better chance to clear mobs that come close to you. If you could not clear them as fast as possible, nearby monsters might bump into you and you will lose HP (hitpoints/life). As a result, you waste meso to buy additional HP Potions to cover up the loss. In short, less hit but each hit inflicts lots of damage on your target monster is preferred to achieve the optimum speed to gain EXP quickly. . 8 Tips to Gain Fast EXP: Switching Training Spots 1.
* Step 1: Gain more EXP from Higher Level Monsters Let’s say you are a newbie warrior, and you are now training on a monster which is a “Red Snail” that needs 2 hits to KO (knockout) it. Now, try to 2 hit KO a higher level monster that gives more EXP than “Red Snail”, such as “Orange Mushroom”. If you are able to do so, then switch your training target from “Red Snail” to “Orange Mushroom”. 1.
* Step 2: Map with Higher Spawn Rate Before you train on any map that has “Orange Mushroom”, you will need to determine the spawn rate. Spawn rate means how fast the monsters appear back into the map and within a certain platform. The faster it appears back, it is a good indicator of high spawn rate. 1.
* Step 3: Map with Minimum Distribution You will also need to check out how far is the monster being distributed across the map. If the map is large and has many platforms, chances are, these high spawn rate monsters will be distributes across the map, each monster positioned far from each other. As a result, you will need to walk a lot to get to the monster. The more walking you do, the less time you will get to enjoy to KO monsters quickly. So make sure you get into a map that is small and you do less walking, more KO-ing monsters to level quickly! 1.
* Step 4: Map with Safe Platform. Protect yourself! Often, many mapler lose EXP (die) due to AFK (away from keyboard) on a platform because they did not know a monster could either spawn there or getting hit by monster spell attack. (range attack) So, try finding a map that has a safe platform for you to rest when you need to AFK (visit the bathroom/help with chores/answering the phone/etc). 1.
* Step 5: Changing Channels (CC)! Also, you will need to know whether the map supports safe ground if you change channel in the same map. There are cases when a person switches channel within the same map, they will be teleported to a different platform which might be dangerous (bump into monsters) while lagging and your character might die accidentally. Lag means your screen freeze temporarily due to other player’s presence within a map. The more player, the more lag it becomes unless you have a good internet bandwidth to support those connections. Changing channel is great technique to clear the spawn in new map without waiting for them to respawn in the previous map. 1.
* Step 6: Complete Quest for Additional EXP! Frequently check on your quest log as you level up. There are a variety of quests for each level and each has different requirement. For example, a quest might ask you to collect some “Orange Mushroom” caps. So, visit the NPC that provides this quest and then start collecting/looting those caps given by the “Orange Mushroom” while you are training on “Orange Mushroom”. There are 2 types of quest, repeatable and non-repeatable. So, if the quest is repeatable, you can ask the NPC again for the quest after you have completed the previous one. This will give you a secondary EXP income! 1.
* Step 7: Join Party Quest (PQ)! There are different party quest which is available in Victoria and Ossyria Island. For example, Kerning Party Quest is available in Kerning City, Victoria Island. Party Quest is a good spot to gain fast EXP. The meso spent versus EXP gained from this quest is much better than normal training. Party Quest also awards players with valuable treasures along with potions/ores; which you can then sell it in freemarket to gain additional meso to payback the meso spent on this quests. This includes Zakum PQ, Ludibrium PQ, Henesys PQ, and others. 1.
* Step 8: For Hardcore Players - Buy 2 EXP Card! For those who want to level up even faster, you could either buy 2 EXP card with real cash in exchange with MapleStory currency or play during EXP Holiday Seasons. MapleStory occassionally have 2x EXP (double EXP) and 2x DROPS (double chance for a rare item to drop) events. . Pearl of Knowledge: EXP Benchmark If you gain at least 10% EXP per hour, the training spot you have chosen is alright. However, if you get below that par, that is a signal to change your hunting ground. This includes those who are with 2x EXP effect (card/EXP holiday season). Try to find a hunting ground that is able to give you at 15% or more EXP per hour to level up faster. For example, if you gain 20% EXP per hour, you would need 5 hours to level up in MapleStory. Time is precious, so start exploring places that is good for EXP or check out the recommended maps given by your senior MaplerStory players. (edit 3/8/08: To test new training ground you found, train there for 6 minutes. If you gain 1% within 6 minutes, it is equivalent to 10% within 60 minutes/1 hour.) _ Minor Updates: 10/8/2008: After conducting a research on monster Exp, the concept of 10% Per hour could only be applied till level 140 (based on the most powerful non-boss monster on MapleStory: “Duku” that provides 5000 exp) with the assumption of a player could kill 1 of this monster in every 2 seconds without 2X Exp card. Apart from that, I realised that monster is good for training only for 5 levels before it reaches below 10% per hour (without 2X Exp Bonus). The 5-level-rule concept applies from 2nd job (level 30-70) to 4th job (level 70-140). Leveling 1 - 30, and 35 - 50 might be faster than the one shown below if you do party quest since rewards better Exp compare to training unless (party members are experience and no-queue for party quest) _ Exp Reports 10/8/2008 (without 2X Exp effect) Level 1 to 30 - Takes approximately 1.25 days (30 hours non-stop) Level 1 to 70 - Takes approximately 14 days / 2 weeks (336 hours non-stop) Level 1 to 120 - Takes approximately 29.94 days (718.63 hours non-stop) Level 1 to 200 - Takes approximately 179.26 days (4302.14 hours non-stop) _ Performance Report on Harcore Player’s Leveling speed Assumption: 8 hours training per day with 2x Exp Effect. Level 1 to 30 - Takes approximately 1.875 days (45 hours) Level 1 to 70 - Takes approximately 21 days / less than 1 month (504 hours) Level 1 to 120 - Takes approximately 44.91 days / 1 month + 2 weeks (1077.84 hours) Level 1 to 200 - Takes approximately 268.89 days / less than 1 year or 9 months (6453.36 hours) _ Conclusion (Advice/Recommendation) For those who do not want to waste their time (spending at least 6453.36 hours of their life on level grinding / killing monsters) to reach level 200 or players who would like to try all the class skills/specialities, its best to play on a private server (just a recommendation) because they could provide better Exp and Meso rate. (e.g. 100X Exp Rate + 100X Meso Bonus sounds good?) With that rate, reaching level 200 would be easy, which only takes 3 weeks (training 2 hours per day!) Being high level, you could explore dangerous places and boss quest often! This also help players to feel accomplished when they reach XX levels quickly, probably bored them awhile, and indirectly they would do something else. (e.g. going outdoors / homework / shopping / etc). Private servers has other benefits like scrolling item (100% success on 10% scrolls?) This helps player to get the best stats item with little effort/meso and this includes cash items (there is no need to spend pocket money given by parents/salary for NX cash). However, private servers are not reliable compare to the official since most are not 24 hours online, might be laggy and encounter a few minor-major bugs. . Recommended Hunting Ground for Fast EXP + Good Meso + Decent Drops Click one of the link below base on the job you are pursuing. The links below helps you to discover the best places to gain fast EXP or places that spam less pots while earning lots of meso and finding rare/decent drops. 1.
* Warrior Training Spot 2.
* Bowman Training Spot 3.
* Thief Training Spot 4.
* Magician Training Spot . Extra Information Usually (in forum), newbie people would ask senior MapleStory players 3 things: 1) What monster to train for my job level? 2) Where are these monster located ? (the map should be small, fast spawn rate, spawn in mobs) 3) How many levels should you stay there before switching training ground? . . .
- Regular Tips appear during loading screens. Context Tips appear when a certain even happes for the first time or when the user clicks the Help Button.
- The many tips in the game are categorized into different types.
* amiibo tips focus on the use of amiibo.
* Fighter tips mainly provide information about characters' special moves.
* Stage tips give notes about stages.
* Item tips document items, Pokémon, and Assist Trophies.
* Mode tips provide notes about the various modes, including Smash Run and Smash Tour.
* Smash Run tips focus on enemies encountered in Smash Run, as well as its other unique features. (3DS only)
* Smash Tour tips focus on Smash Tour-exclusive features and gameplay. (Wii U only)
* Original Games/Settings (Background Info in Europe) tips explain the origins of characters, their games, and other elements of the game. (Wii U only)
* Other tips document game terminology and otherwise-unsorted notes.
- When inserting text to My English Wiki, type two curly brackets around the nation name, such as {{Country}}. Or, use the three character, all CAPITAL LETTERS, country code, such as {{USA}}. More details at Nation name tips.
- Reply 1 Other reply. Third choice
- When the countdown starts, wait until the “2″ begins to disappear, then hold 2 to get a boost at the start of the race. after you die (fall off) hold accelerate (1 or A) the second you land.
* If you do a trick on a jump you can completely avoid a POW block item's effects.
* if you 'hop' on (karts or bikes) tap drift ( B or 1) or wheelie (on bikes) which then creates a blue circle around you you loose youre items but you do a spin and back to driving! To dodge red shells, put a banana behind you, by either dropping it there or holding it there. When the red shell collides with the banana, its effects will be nullified, allowing you to proceed with the race unhindered. - or if you are next to a sharp turn and a red shell is chasing you, turn really sharp and the shell will collide the wall leaving you safe stand backwards in front of a thwomp (the angry squares) and watch the turtle in the cloud get squished! A good technique to utilize when trying to dodge blue shells targeted at you when you’re in first place is to use any type of mushroom. Specifically, use the mushroom when the blue shell begins to rise over you to avoid its blast. Timing is the key! - you can also go into a cannon (or the arrows in dk park way which jumps you over the river and island but still...) (or the star thing in rainbow road) Everyone Plays the Same Character If you and your friends want to play as the same character in splitscreen multiplayer, try the following. First, one person should select and then deselect the character everyone wants to play as. The next player should select and then deselect the same character. Repeat as needed for as many players as you have playing. Then, go back one screen, reselect the character selection screen, and all players should have their icons on the same preselected character. The following are some key Mario Kart shortcuts. Please reverse directions if playing on mirror tracks.
* Maple Treeway - Between the start line and the first corner veer to the right. You will see a dirt path in a gap in the fence. Drive through here to find boost pads and extra boxes. This shortcut drops you out right at the warp jump point.
* Maple treeway near the end - after the metal net turn left or right (i use left) till you see a path way and go in
- Ultimately, being able to survive is not enough; to advance the game, you must be capable of defeating threats that stand in your way. Several combat skills require training through use to be of much effect, and training adds to your attributes, as well. Remember, however, that combat skills are trained per swing, not per kill. Punching a golem ineffectually for hours trains your skills more than slaying hundreds of high-level monsters in one hit. As of Elona+ 1.14, the following are important factors to consider for monster slaying. Damage is determined by type of attack, equipped weapon, attributes, and skills.
* Speed is the most universally crucial attribute. It doesn't matter what you are doing in combat, doing it faster is doing it better. Some enemies like bells can run away, regenerate all wounds, and attack multiple times in the single turn you move towards them. A fast character has a massive advantage in battle.
* No matter how much damage your stat sheet says you'll deal with a physical attack, it doesn't matter if you can't hit the target. Depending on the weapon you use, your attributes will affect the hit rate. Strength affects Long Sword, Axe, Martial Arts, and Scythe. Constitution affects Blunt, Polearm, and Stave. Dexterity affects Short Sword, Bow, Crossbow, and Throwing. Perception affects Firearm. Wearing armors will decrease your hit rate. That is, when training or just starting the game it may better to fight lightly armored. To increase hit rate while wearing armor, improve the skills and respective attributes: Heavy Armor (CON), Medium Armor (CON), or Light Armor (DEX). Dual Wield is necessary if you want to reliably hit while wielding multiple weapons. Eye of Mind can aid accuracy by improving critical hit rate, as critical hits cannot miss. Some neck- and arm-slot armors can also improve hit rate.
* The second part is damaging the monster.
* Strength adds to the base damage to Long Sword, Axe, Martial Arts, and Scythe weapons. Constitution adds to the base damage of Blunt, Polearm, and Stave weapons. Weapon skill adds to the damage multiplier and hit rate. Tactics skill applies to all melee attacks and thrown weapons, and Two Hand skill only applies to weapons that are heavy and only when wielded with two hands (i.e. no equipment in the second hand slot). Damage, dependent on weapon type, is calculated as follows: (Base Damage + Weapon Damage + Equipment Damage) * Skill Multiplier
* Dexterity adds to the base damage to Short Sword, Bow, Crossbow, and Throwing. Arrows and bolts are treated as an additional damage roll as follows: (Base Damage + Weapon Damage + Ammo Damage + Equipment Damage) * Skill Multiplier
* Perception only adds to the base damage of Firearm. Marksman skill increases the damage multiplier if using a ranged weapon. Bullets and energy cells are treated as a separate roll as follows: (Base Damage + Weapon Damage + Ammo Damage + Equipment Damage) * Skill Multiplier
* The third part is surviving the monster's retaliation. Later in the game, Protection OR Evasion becomes important. Improve Constitution and the respective armor skill to reduce damage. Improve Dexterity and Evasion to avoid attacks. Greater Evasion further reduces the chance of 'lucky' hits only if the attack is avoided. Fighting naked helps a lot in dodging attacks if respective armor skill is too low, but any hits that get through will hurt. Do so at your own risk.
* The fourth part is delivering killing blows as fast as possible. Later in the game monsters will mob you in the dungeons like a pack of gaming-deficient gamers finding Starcraft, and walls will not always be available. For either melee or ranged attacks, Perception and Luck add to critical hit chance. Eye of Mind increases the probability of delivering a critical hit further.
* The fifth part is casting magic for support and crowd control. In normal Elona, dedicated spellcasters are only recommended for those players who love to grind. In Elona+ versions 1.19 and later, the viability of spellcasters has been increased greatly with several changes to how spells are improved and used up. Regardless, characters in any version can derive benefits from dabbling in magic. For more general information, see the Spellcasting section.
* The best support spells include the best form of cure you can cast for self heals, Healing Rain for party heals, Hero for buffs, and all forms of Teleport for running away. Each of these spells' effectiveness and chance are determined by their respective attributes and your Casting skill.
* Willpower improves healing and buff magic. The magic stat improves combat magic. The skills that have the most practical use are Casting to reduce failures, Meditation to increase mana regeneration, Control Magic to prevent friendly fire, Literacy to read high-level spellbooks, and Memorization to stock more spells from each book. The only way to improve spell effectiveness is to cast them. Playing as a combat caster is difficult late in the game unless you are over-leveled or have a pet that can provoke enemies (e.g. the servant Defender).
- This page lists on-screen Tips in the Saints Row series, as well as general advice on ways to play the game.
- Tipping rules: Europe
* In France 5% is considered generous. For individual meals or coffee 1 euro is often left
* In Hungary, the average tip for services is 10-20% for taxis, restaurants, etc. Asia
* North America
* In the US, at a restaurant with table service, 15% tipping is ok for normal service, 20% for great service, 10% for bad service. If you have a group bigger than 4 or 5 people, the tip may be added to your bill (check on this so that you don't end up double tipping). At other types of eateries, such as places where you pick up your food at the counter, tipping is optional.
* Tipping taxi drivers in the US is very common, but not mandatory. There is no generally accepted rate for taxi tipping.
- Tips are a piece of advance or confidential information given by another individual to have access to special information.