| - The Black Library is a division of Games Workshop which publishes novels, art books and graphic novels set in the Warhammer Fantasy world and Gamesworkshop's other original settings.
- The Black Library of Chaos (also known simply as the Black Library) is the secret Eldar Craftworld that serves as the Eldar's repository of forbidden lore concerning the Ruinous Powers that exists somewhere within the labyrinthine passages of the Webway. The Eldar Craftworlds became the only surviving sources of their ancient knowledge of sorcery and the Ruinous Powers of Chaos after the Fall of that race to the birth of Slaanesh. As the Craftwords have drifted apart, this knowledge has consequently become fragmented, and as some Craftworlds have become lost over the millennia, more precious Eldar knowledge has been lost with them. The Black Library is governed by a body of the wisest Eldar Farseers drawn from all of the Craftworlds known as the Black Council. The Black Council is the clos
- Black Library Publishing (рус. Чёрная библиотека), BL Publishing — издательское отделение компании Games Workshop. Выделено в 1999 году для выпуска художественной литературы по сеттингам Warhammer 40000 и Warhammer Fantasy. Название восходит к внутриигровому объекту в сеттинге Warhammer 40000 — библиотеке, содержащей самые тёмные знания о мире. Книги BL Publishing считаются таким же каноном истории обоих миров, как руководства по варгеймам и ролевые книги.
- The Black Library is a section of BL Publishing (itself a division of Games Workshop) devoted to publishing novels, art books, background books, and graphic novels set in the Warhammer Fantasy Battles and Warhammer 40,000 Fictional Warzone games. The publishing company took their name from Warhammer 40,000, where the Black Library stored knowledge of the Eldar race, the sinister Chaos, and the haunting Necrontyr. Some of Black Library's best known titles include the Gaunt's Ghosts and Eisenhorn series of novels by Dan Abnett and the Gotrek & Felix series by William King and Nathan Long.
- The existence of the Black Library is known to only a few and entry is allowed to even fewer individuals. The library defends itself against the weak and those who would misuse its knowledge by refusing entry to all except those who have acknowledged and tempered the Chaos within themselves. The immature, who are still vulnerable to the promises and seductions of Chaos, find that they are unable to pass through its gateway. As a result, only the Solitaires of the Eldar Harlequin troupes are allowed to come and go freely, although some say that a human, perhaps an Inquisitor, has also been allowed to do so.
| - The existence of the Black Library is known to only a few and entry is allowed to even fewer individuals. The library defends itself against the weak and those who would misuse its knowledge by refusing entry to all except those who have acknowledged and tempered the Chaos within themselves. The immature, who are still vulnerable to the promises and seductions of Chaos, find that they are unable to pass through its gateway. As a result, only the Solitaires of the Eldar Harlequin troupes are allowed to come and go freely, although some say that a human, perhaps an Inquisitor, has also been allowed to do so. Aka. the Collection; the Collegium; the Legion; the Black Legion; the CIA; the Government; the Company; COINTELPRO; Ccru; Larpocalypse.
- Black Library Publishing (рус. Чёрная библиотека), BL Publishing — издательское отделение компании Games Workshop. Выделено в 1999 году для выпуска художественной литературы по сеттингам Warhammer 40000 и Warhammer Fantasy. Название восходит к внутриигровому объекту в сеттинге Warhammer 40000 — библиотеке, содержащей самые тёмные знания о мире. Книги BL Publishing считаются таким же каноном истории обоих миров, как руководства по варгеймам и ролевые книги. В 2004 году из BL Publishing была в свою очередь выделена компания Black Industries, которая занималась выпуском ролевых игр по обоим мирам Молота Войны.
- The Black Library is a division of Games Workshop which publishes novels, art books and graphic novels set in the Warhammer Fantasy world and Gamesworkshop's other original settings.
- The Black Library is a section of BL Publishing (itself a division of Games Workshop) devoted to publishing novels, art books, background books, and graphic novels set in the Warhammer Fantasy Battles and Warhammer 40,000 Fictional Warzone games. The publishing company took their name from Warhammer 40,000, where the Black Library stored knowledge of the Eldar race, the sinister Chaos, and the haunting Necrontyr. Some of Black Library's best known titles include the Gaunt's Ghosts and Eisenhorn series of novels by Dan Abnett and the Gotrek & Felix series by William King and Nathan Long. The authors of these novels, graphic novels, and comics created original storylines and characters that are based on playable armies in the main Warhammer 40,000 game and its many spin-offs (such a Inqusitor an Epic).These works are then promoted with contributions of stories, plot synopses, and rules in the White Dwarf Magazine and at the official Games Workshop website. The result is a fusion of tabletop gaming with science fiction writing.
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- The Black Library of Chaos (also known simply as the Black Library) is the secret Eldar Craftworld that serves as the Eldar's repository of forbidden lore concerning the Ruinous Powers that exists somewhere within the labyrinthine passages of the Webway. The Eldar Craftworlds became the only surviving sources of their ancient knowledge of sorcery and the Ruinous Powers of Chaos after the Fall of that race to the birth of Slaanesh. As the Craftwords have drifted apart, this knowledge has consequently become fragmented, and as some Craftworlds have become lost over the millennia, more precious Eldar knowledge has been lost with them. The Black Library is governed by a body of the wisest Eldar Farseers drawn from all of the Craftworlds known as the Black Council. The Black Council is the closest the fractious Eldar race has come to an advisory body that looks after the interests of the entire race. The Eldar know more of Chaos than mankind ever will, and still more was lost during the Fall. A single source of Eldar knowledge has remained untouched and inviolate since the Fall. In a hidden location, some say at the very centre of the Webway -- the Eldar’s network of stable warp tunnels that crosses the galaxy -- rests the tomes, books, scrolls, and codices describing the Eldar’s complete and extensive knowledge of the Warp. The forbidden lore of the Black Library describes the blandishments, influences, forms, creatures, perils, promises, and horrors of Chaos. The existence of the Black Library is known to only a few and entry is allowed to even fewer individuals. The library defends itself against the weak and those who would misuse its knowledge by refusing entry to all except those who have acknowledged and tempered the Chaos within themselves. The immature, who are still vulnerable to the promises and seductions of Chaos, find that they are unable to pass through its gateway. As a result, only the Solitaires of the Eldar Harlequin troupes are allowed to come and go freely, although some say that a human, perhaps an Inquisitor, has also been allowed to do so.