| - Esoteric astrology is a branch of Astrology that focuses on the spiritual evolution of a person or groups of persons. Mundane (or classical) astrology focuses on the personality, or one's individual identity. Esoteric astrology focuses on the soul, or one's higher purpose. Esoteric astrology is based on Alice Bailey's Ageless Wisdom teachings, as relayed by her Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul. "The Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, has provided a significant foundation for a more Soul-oriented approach to astrology and to the Life it seeks to symbolize and interpret."
| - Esoteric astrology is a branch of Astrology that focuses on the spiritual evolution of a person or groups of persons. Mundane (or classical) astrology focuses on the personality, or one's individual identity. Esoteric astrology focuses on the soul, or one's higher purpose. Esoteric astrology is based on Alice Bailey's Ageless Wisdom teachings, as relayed by her Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul. "The Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, has provided a significant foundation for a more Soul-oriented approach to astrology and to the Life it seeks to symbolize and interpret." Esoteric astrologers typically base their work on Bailey's five-volume series, Treatise on the Seven Rays. The third book in the series, Esoteric Astrology, is considered to be the foundation for esoteric astrologers world wide." Esoteric astrology's system of planetary rulerships differs from that of conventional astrology, involves planets not conventionally used, and replaces the house system with a system of crosses with highly individualized meanings and multiple levels of interpretation. Esoteric astrology incorporates many layers of study, dovetailing into other levels of astrology and the Seven Rays. According to Djhwal Khul (Alice Bailey), here are the houses and their planetary rulers. "Esoteric astrology specifically addresses the substructures underlying one's belief systems, attitudes and life processes; it is thus more concerned with causes (energies and forces) than with effects (events)." H.P. Blavatsky (founder of Theosophical Society), Rudolf Steiner, and others have helped to develop the mystical tradition of esoteric astrology.