| - Circumcision is the act of cutting off the foreskin of a penis. Male circumcision is still practiced by Jews (a practice called Brit milah, which usally takes place when a baby boy is 8 days old) and Muslims today, although most Christians do not practice circumcision.
- Circumcision is the act of removing the foreskin of a male. There is both strong support and opposition for this procedure. In general, circumcision reduces the risk of some male genital cancers (most notably penile cancer, even though it is extremely rare), and also reduces the risk of infection by only 1.5%. In the Islamic and Jewish religions, circumcision sometimes may be performed. In most forms of Christianity, it is not required, only 25% of Christians in the world are circumcised. Circumcision rates by country: Circumcision is not very common in North America.
- A circumcision is a surgical procedure to remove the foreskin from the penis. Although once widely felt in the western world that the procedure would promote hygiene by preventing putrid material from accumulating in the foreskin, there is essentially no difference in disease rates between circumcised and uncircumcised men. As such, the surgery is no longer routinely performed on infant males as it was in the 30-40 years following World War II in North America. In Autopsy, House deals with a clinic patient who attempted to perform a circumcision on himself.
- Circumcision is the ancient and currently widespread practice of removing the protective epidermal shielding from the highly sensitive naughty bits of an unsuspecting human with a rusty Swiss army knife and a dab of after-shave. Unfortunately, this cosmetic surgical procedure has totally failed to cure the horrific epidemic of teenage wanking in the United States, due to the wide availability of affordable lubricants. Circumcision amongst modern Muslims and Jews happens to be much more effective in this regard, which in turn leads to increased levels of aggravation and open warfare. In fact, scientists at the University of Oxford have traced ongoing conflict in the Middle East to the high numbers of denuded penises in the region.
| - A circumcision is a surgical procedure to remove the foreskin from the penis. Although once widely felt in the western world that the procedure would promote hygiene by preventing putrid material from accumulating in the foreskin, there is essentially no difference in disease rates between circumcised and uncircumcised men. As such, the surgery is no longer routinely performed on infant males as it was in the 30-40 years following World War II in North America. Circumcision is still a religious ritual performed in certain religions, usually shortly after birth. It is almost universal among men of the Jewish or Islamic faiths. Female circumcision, the removal of the clitoris, has no medical purpose and is not sanctioned for any reason in the western world. It is practiced in pockets of the developing world in the belief it will promote chastity by preventing women from enjoying sexual contact. In Autopsy, House deals with a clinic patient who attempted to perform a circumcision on himself.
- Circumcision is the act of removing the foreskin of a male. There is both strong support and opposition for this procedure. In general, circumcision reduces the risk of some male genital cancers (most notably penile cancer, even though it is extremely rare), and also reduces the risk of infection by only 1.5%. In the Islamic and Jewish religions, circumcision sometimes may be performed. In most forms of Christianity, it is not required, only 25% of Christians in the world are circumcised. Circumcision rates by country:
* United States[1]: 55% of males are circumcised
* Texas[2]: 77.4% of males are circumcised
* New York State[3]: 65.0% of males are circumcised
* California[4]: 20% of males are circumcised
* All other states: Approx. 55% of males are circumcised
* Canada[5]: 10% of males are circumcised (circumcision is slightly more common in Ontario/Quebec than in the West or Atlantic Provinces)
* Ontario: Approx. 30% of males are circumcised
* Quebec: Approx. 20% of males are circumcised
* British Columbia: Approx. 5% of males are circumcised
* The Prairies (AB, SK, MB) and the Territories: Approx: 4% of males are circumcised
* Atlantic Provinces: Approx: 10% of males are circumcised
* United Kingdom[6]: 5% of males are circumcised
* Australia[7]: 7% of males are circumcised Circumcision is not very common in North America.
- Circumcision is the act of cutting off the foreskin of a penis. Male circumcision is still practiced by Jews (a practice called Brit milah, which usally takes place when a baby boy is 8 days old) and Muslims today, although most Christians do not practice circumcision.
- Circumcision is the ancient and currently widespread practice of removing the protective epidermal shielding from the highly sensitive naughty bits of an unsuspecting human with a rusty Swiss army knife and a dab of after-shave. Unfortunately, this cosmetic surgical procedure has totally failed to cure the horrific epidemic of teenage wanking in the United States, due to the wide availability of affordable lubricants. Circumcision amongst modern Muslims and Jews happens to be much more effective in this regard, which in turn leads to increased levels of aggravation and open warfare. In fact, scientists at the University of Oxford have traced ongoing conflict in the Middle East to the high numbers of denuded penises in the region. Circumcision has become so much in demand that an entire industry has popped up for it. Professionals who snip foreskin for a living (saving them for future arts and crafts projects) are lovingly referred to as Mohels. Mohels live almost entirely in the USA. They are like vampires, in that both suck the blood of their victims. But more precisely, they are like drunk pedophile vampires (see Jeffrey Dahmer).