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Q u o t e:
Looking for a confirmation, was told "that a blue post on this topic exists" but i am unable to find it.
Resolution inc
Q u o t e:
- The Immortal, can be done by killing KT w/ out dying
Correct. If you do not die on any other bosses and get to Kel'thuzad, you could sell slots and bring in random people for Kel'thuzad and , they would get the achievement.
Q u o t e:
- The Immortal, can be done by killing KT w/ out dying
If anybody died on any boss, the raid ID is no good.
Q u o t e:
- The Immortal, can be archived by wiping a boss that anyone dies on ... and deaths will only count against you on the attempt in which the boss is actualy killed
Wipes include deaths, so this makes the raid ID no good as well.
Deaths on trash are fine, deaths on bosses nullify the raid ID for the whole week it is active.