Raw Chompy kan worden gekookt op een spitroast, je krijgt dan een cooked chompy.
Raw chompy can be cooked on a spitroast to give cooked chompy.
Chompy birds are monsters that can only be killed after completion of Big Chompy Bird Hunting. They can only be attacked with the ogre composite bow or ogre bow, and bloated toads must be used as bait to catch them. When a chompy bird is killed, a message says: "You scratch a notch on your bow for the chompy bird kill." Killing 30 chompy birds is a requirement for obtaining the master quest cape, and killing 4000 chompy birds is a requirement for the trimmed completionist cape.
When a Chompy dies, it will give you a corpse, which you can pluck to gain feathers. Doing this will also place a Raw chompy and some bones on the ground. A Chompy bird will escape after one minute if you fail to kill it. Note: Using melee will not be suitable to kill them. They will get scared and run away from you if you get too close. Completing various difficulties of the Western Provinces Diary will grant benefits when killing chompy birds: