| - This page sums up all mistakes in Head Soccer, explains them, and gives you tips to avoid them or use them in your advantage. There's also mentioned in parentheses in the mistake title how necessary it is that a mistake is fixed. Glitches are mistakes too, but glitches help you to win the game, while mistakes aren't at all useful and should actually be fixed by D&D Dream. Note: Some of these mistakes might be fixed now, because of Update 5.1.
- Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that matters. Nikki Giovanni
- Mistakes the animators made on any Mr. Men and Little Miss cartoons. In Little Miss Trouble's episode, Little Miss Trouble lost her nose when she was tickled. In "Airport" it shows Mr. Funny with Mr. Quiet and Mr. Bounce, but in the next cut, he is seen with Mr. Fussy, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Grumpy, also he lost his shoes when he is running. In "Yard Work", Mr. Nosy is missing his tie. In "Cooking", no ending was featured. This was fixed for the UK Version. In "Ships", Little Miss Naughty is missing an eye patch in one shot.
- Mistakes is the 94th level in Chip's Challenge Level Pack 3. It was created by Daniel Bouwmeester. 278 route: Get the 2 chips in the blob room, then go past the pink balls to get another, then build a bridge to another chip, then clone another block and push it through the pink ball room onto the brown button. Go through the teleport, and across the random force floors. Do not pick up the first set of flippers, but pick up the second, go through the recessed wall to collect the chips, then go across the thief, pick up the other set of flippers, and get the chip in the corner. Go back through the teleport, through the socket, and get the red key just as the pink ball is heading towards the green button. It will press the button, shielding Chip from it, then it will release Chip. Go back thr
- Mistakes and goofs and continuity errors in the series: In the episode Pilot the seating plan in Ms. Mayhew's class (English) changes during the scene and some people disappear. In the episode The Substitute Patty claims that they do not have a basement. However, in Life of Brian Patty says, "I can't do braids in a basement" and Graham gets the wallpaper from the basement. In the scene when Patty and Graham are talking in the kitchen, right after Principal Foster's reveals the truth about Vic, the boom mic is clearly visible.
| - Mistakes the animators made on any Mr. Men and Little Miss cartoons. In Little Miss Trouble's episode, Little Miss Trouble lost her nose when she was tickled. In "Airport" it shows Mr. Funny with Mr. Quiet and Mr. Bounce, but in the next cut, he is seen with Mr. Fussy, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Grumpy, also he lost his shoes when he is running. In "Yard Work", Mr. Nosy is missing his tie. In "Cooking", no ending was featured. This was fixed for the UK Version. In "Ships", Little Miss Naughty is missing an eye patch in one shot. In "Beach", there are two Mr. Stubborns in the beginning and the end of this episode. In "Eyeglasses" Miss Whoops is supposed to be wearing Mr. Nervous's glasses, but after Mr. Bump falls from a plane, it shows her with her own glasses. In "Snow", when Mr. Bounce delivers Mr. Stubborn's pizza, he says it's pepperoni, but when the box is opened, it looks like a supreme pizza. Also Mr Stubborn has three hairs when he walks to the door.
- Mistakes and goofs and continuity errors in the series: In the episode Pilot the seating plan in Ms. Mayhew's class (English) changes during the scene and some people disappear. In the episode The Substitute Patty claims that they do not have a basement. However, in Life of Brian Patty says, "I can't do braids in a basement" and Graham gets the wallpaper from the basement. In the scene when Patty and Graham are talking in the kitchen, right after Principal Foster's reveals the truth about Vic, the boom mic is clearly visible. In the episode Strangers in the House when Patty fires Graham, he is wearing a tee shirt. When he goes to hug Patty he is wearing a long-sleeved/collared shirt. In the episode Halloween it is said that Nicky Driscoll died on the Halloween before the Kennedy assassination, which would be 31 October 1963. Indeed, Angela finds a ticket stub from the dance with that year on it. However, the yearbook she checks to find Nicky Driscoll's picture is the yearbook from the year 1963, which would have been for the year before, for the class of 1963, who would have graduated in May/June of that year. Instead she finds Nicky Driscoll's picture with the phrase "In Memorium" (sic), which would normally appear in the class of 1964's yearbook, since that would come at the end of that school year. Also, the ghost dance in the gym announces that the dance is for the class of '63, another reference to the class that would have already have graduated. In the episode Other People's Mothers during the party-planning montage, Rayanne is seen spinning around in the parking lot, and the letters on the license plates are backwards, indicating a reversal of the negative. In the episode Life of Brian after Brian vows to never again show at Angela's house with a lame excuse, yet he does, we see Graham holding a bunch of wallpapering equipment including a blue bucket. He then drops the bucket and asks Brian to help him get it for him. A millisecond later we see Graham miraculously holding the bucket again (without Brian handing it to him), and yet another millisecond later he again doesn't hold the bucket In the episode Self-Esteem after Jordan tells Angela to keep their meetings a secret Angela goes from wearing a sweater to another top. The door to the boiler room changes sides. When Graham comes home from the first cooking class and is talking to Patty in the kitchen the recording microphone is visible in the top of the frame. On the math quiz, Angela and Abyssinia have the answer "false" for a proof question. In a proof, one must list the steps required to prove a certain statement true. However, the teacher marked their answers as correct. The handwriting on Abyssinia's quiz is the same handwriting as that on Angela's quiz. Angela and Abyssinia both make other mistakes on their math quizzes that are not marked as incorrect, such as classifying a 140-degree angle as acute or a 79-degree angle as obtuse. Both girls label a 180-degree angle as either obtuse or acute. In truth, a 180-degree angle is neither obtuse nor acute. When Angela is handed back her geometry quiz, the grade 59 is circled, yet all the answers on her paper have checks next to them, indicating that she answered all the questions correctly. Rayanne and others dance at the Buffalo Tom show as if they are dancing to a fast song, but, "Late at Night" is what the band is playing, a slow song. When Jordan finally comes up to Angela in the last scene, Angela's hair is tucked behind her ear in one camera shot. The camera focuses briefly on Jordan, but when it switches back to Angela her hair is no longer tucked behind her ear. In the episode Pressure a recording microphone is visible at the top of the frame when Angela speaks to Sharon after Sharon came over to return some cooking dishes. In the episode On the Wagon Rayanne and Patty are talking in the car, Rayanne takes off her seat belt twice: once in the beginning of the conversation, and once after Rayanne says, "I guess we have something in common, huh?" When the drummer and bassist of Frozen Embryos first argue their speaking and the voice track is out of sync. In the episode So-Called Angels after suggesting to take Angela to see Rickie in the Warehouse, Jordan and Angela are in the hallway holding hands - but they broke up in Pressure. In the episode Resolutions when Angela sits down for a minute to talk to Jordan during the first tutoring session there is a recording microphone visible. There is also a foreign object, possibly a hair, in the shot of Angela (probably something stuck to the camera lens). In the episode Weekend while Rayanne was pretending to be sick, you could see that her hand wasn't attached to the bed post behind her.
- Mistakes is the 94th level in Chip's Challenge Level Pack 3. It was created by Daniel Bouwmeester. 278 route: Get the 2 chips in the blob room, then go past the pink balls to get another, then build a bridge to another chip, then clone another block and push it through the pink ball room onto the brown button. Go through the teleport, and across the random force floors. Do not pick up the first set of flippers, but pick up the second, go through the recessed wall to collect the chips, then go across the thief, pick up the other set of flippers, and get the chip in the corner. Go back through the teleport, through the socket, and get the red key just as the pink ball is heading towards the green button. It will press the button, shielding Chip from it, then it will release Chip. Go back through the teleport, through the red door, across the bottom ice slide, then go across the thief and get suction boots. Go up through the teleport, and slide along to the path on the right. Flip the tanks to get blue, green and yellow keys in order. Go back through the teleport and back up the ice. Go through the yellow door, collect the fire boots from under the block, and the yellow key at the end of the path. Then go back to the teleport via the top ice slide, then go back through the socket’s original location. Go down behind the toggle wall, wait for the pink ball to bounce off the yellow door before opening it, then follow the pink ball, use the ice to dodge it, and exit.
- This page sums up all mistakes in Head Soccer, explains them, and gives you tips to avoid them or use them in your advantage. There's also mentioned in parentheses in the mistake title how necessary it is that a mistake is fixed. Glitches are mistakes too, but glitches help you to win the game, while mistakes aren't at all useful and should actually be fixed by D&D Dream. Note: Some of these mistakes might be fixed now, because of Update 5.1.
- Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that matters. Nikki Giovanni