This page represents the best efforts of the WoWWiki community to create a fact-based analysis of related species ideas on why races directly connected to other races as protospecies, protoraces, subraces, or subspecies unsuited to the race ideas page may or may not be included as a playable race as the World of Warcraft expands. Note that, though Blizzard currently appears to have a policy of choosing original and unique races, this page is no less legitimate than the above.
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| - This page represents the best efforts of the WoWWiki community to create a fact-based analysis of related species ideas on why races directly connected to other races as protospecies, protoraces, subraces, or subspecies unsuited to the race ideas page may or may not be included as a playable race as the World of Warcraft expands. Note that, though Blizzard currently appears to have a policy of choosing original and unique races, this page is no less legitimate than the above.
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| - This page represents the best efforts of the WoWWiki community to create a fact-based analysis of related species ideas on why races directly connected to other races as protospecies, protoraces, subraces, or subspecies unsuited to the race ideas page may or may not be included as a playable race as the World of Warcraft expands. Note that, though Blizzard currently appears to have a policy of choosing original and unique races, this page is no less legitimate than the above.