| - “Are you hurt?” The girl asked. “It’s okay, I’m used to it.” Epin replied as he sat up, rubbing the back of his head. Blood ran from his nose, where Arod had punched him, and his shirt was slightly torn from skidding on the pavement. “Thanks so much for your help.” “That’s not what I asked Epin.” The girl said as she kneeled next to him. “I asked if you were hurt.” “How do you know . . .” Epin started to ask as he rubbed his wrists where he was held down. He cut himself off mid sentence however, when he looked to see who it was that had helped him. “How do I know what? Your name? It’s me, Leia.” She said, sliding closer to him. “You’re bleeding. You are hurt aren’t you?” “I’m alright, really, it’s just a bloody nose.” Epin said, wiping his nose on his sleeve. “Are you sure?” Leia asked as she leaned in closer. Epin leaned away in a nervous response. Leia Organa was Alderaan's princess, and he liked her very much, having a crush on her since he could remember, though he constantly hesitated to tell her. He would accompany his mother, Lania, into the city to sell nerf hides, and occasionally he would see Leia, when they delivered to Aldera Palace. He and Leia would talk, but just friendly banter, nothing serious, as he never got to see her for more than a few minutes. Epin always wanted to tell her that he liked her, but never found the guts. She was a pretty girl, about the same age as he, with blue eyes and brownish blonde hair, which she usually wore tied into some kind of elaborate styling. But today, her hair was down, stopping a few inches past her shoulders. He sometimes imagined that the two of them were . . . “What are you doing out so late princess?” Epin asked, snapping himself back to reality. He then found an answer to his own question when he noticed that she was wearing her school uniform, which consisted of a light blue, knee length skirt with a matching top, though she was missing the white ribbon that normally should be tied in her hair. He imagined she had most likely removed it when she let her hair down. “I had to stay and clean the classrooms.” Leia started. “Madame Vesta made me. She’s so mean. She reminds me of a . . .” “Rancor?” Epin interrupted. “Yeah.” Leia laughed. “How did you know that’s what I was going to say?” Epin scratched the back of his head and chuckled. “Ah, well, she does kind of look like one. I mean she’s all wrinkly and stuff.” The truth was, he himself didn’t know how, but he was able to somehow know what she was going to say, apparently before she did. He’d had that happen before, but was never able to do it when he wanted to. He had talked with his mother about it, and she called it “telepathy.” Even though she explained it to him, he still was unsure of it. “She sure does.” Leia giggled. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she was part rancor!” The two began laughing together, completely unaware that it had begun raining. Epin sat and looked at Leia for a moment. “What?” She asked, smiling slightly. “What is it?” “Nothing, I just can’t believe that you’re here. I mean, I’ve always wanted to talk to you. Away from the palace, I mean, you know, as friends.” Epin responded. “Well, why didn’t you?” She replied, puzzled by his answer. “We’ve seen each other outside of the palace, you could have come and talked to me.” “Well, I was, you know . . . scared.” He answered, running his index finger around in circles on the pavement. “Scared? Of me? Why?” Leia asked, placing both hands down on opposite sides of his outstretched legs, and leaning towards him. Epin’s face became red. “Well, what I mean to say is, I was afraid you wouldn’t want to. I mean, you’re the princess, and I’m just a farm boy.” “Just because we come from different sides, doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.” Leia responded, as she pulled herself back into a seated position. “That’s not it. I’ve . . . wanted to tell you, that I think, you’re . . . very pretty.” As soon as he realized that he had simply blurted that out, he turned away. There was a short pause, and when Epin got the courage, he looked out of the corner of his eye to find Leia was looking at the ground. “You think I’m pretty?” She said softly. “Well, yeah.” Epin said, turning his head to look at her. Leia took her index finger and curled her hair behind her ear. “Thank you.” She said, smiling at him. "You're welcome." Epin said as he stood up and extended his hand to her. “Can I walk you home, your highness?” He asked, placing one arm across his stomach in a mock bow. Leia took his hand and he pulled her up, but upon doing so, fell backward from the stress. Leia stumbled but remained on her feet. “Oh my. Are you sure you’re alright?” She asked, placing her hands on her knees and leaning forward. "Arod got a good shot to my stomach, and I'm still kind of woozy, to be honest. He stepped right on my ribs." Epin said as he held his side. "Well, come on, we've got plenty of bacta at the palace." Leia said as Epin got to his feet. "No thanks, you don't have to. I'll be fine, really." Epin said. "Oh, well, okay. Are you sure?" Leia asked with a hint of disappointment in her voice. "One hundred percent." He answered, making an OK sign with his fingers. "But, I would like to walk you home." He added. Epin held out his arm for her, to which she accepted by wrapping her own arm around his. Alderaan Affair Part I - Part III