| - The T.H.E.D.R.E.S.S., or the Temporary Hue Emitter Damaging Responsive Expression Sites on Systems, is a very illusional blimp. It is completely invincible and travels at the speed of a Green Bloon, but stops in the middle of the track. It doesn't contain anything, even if you manage to pop it. It looks like a striped MOAB. It starts off blue and black, but changes between black & blue and gold & white every 3 seconds. When it enters the range of any tower, that tower will believe that the current color of the T.H.E.D.R.E.S.S. is the correct color. Then, it starts attacking any tower in its range that believes the opposite color is correct every third attack. However, when the T.H.E.D.R.E.S.S. makes it to the middle of the track, it begins summoning random bloons up to Z.O.M.G.s from BOTH
| - The T.H.E.D.R.E.S.S., or the Temporary Hue Emitter Damaging Responsive Expression Sites on Systems, is a very illusional blimp. It is completely invincible and travels at the speed of a Green Bloon, but stops in the middle of the track. It doesn't contain anything, even if you manage to pop it. It looks like a striped MOAB. It starts off blue and black, but changes between black & blue and gold & white every 3 seconds. When it enters the range of any tower, that tower will believe that the current color of the T.H.E.D.R.E.S.S. is the correct color. Then, it starts attacking any tower in its range that believes the opposite color is correct every third attack. However, when the T.H.E.D.R.E.S.S. makes it to the middle of the track, it begins summoning random bloons up to Z.O.M.G.s from BOTH sides of the track. The normal entrance acts as the blue and black side, while the Reverse Mode entrance acts as the white and gold side. When a bloon collides with a bloon on the other side, they deal 5 damage per second to each other and stop moving until one of them pops completely. Towers will only attack bloons on the opposite team as themselves and vice versa for attacking bloons. The T.H.E.D.R.E.S.S. has no side itself, but towers never attack it. Eventually, one side will become dominant, and the track itself is set to that side and merges with other players affected by the T.H.E.D.R.E.S.S. into a single battlefield. Eventually, a single clan reigns the entirety of the game you're playing. This causes the game screen to gain either black and blue or white and gold translucent stripes. The effect lasts for a minutes, and then a B.T.D.4.5.6.C.R.E.E.P.E.R. floats onscreen and says that it's blue and gold. Everything attacks it, and it then explodes, along with your computer.