| - Plasus was de administrator van Stratos, de hoofdstad van de Federatie planeet Ardana in 2269. Hij volgde een strikte vorm van apartheid tegen de Troglytes, de lagere klasse op de planeet Ardana. Er waren twee fracties op de planeet; de lage en de hoge klasse. James T. Kirk wist beide fracties bij elkaar te brengen. (TOS: "The Cloud Minders")
- Plasus was the high advisor of Stratos, the capital city of the Federation member-world Ardana in 2269. He followed a policy of apartheid against the Troglytes, the miner-class on the planet Ardana. He believed the Troglytes as inferior, intellectually and physically, and denied them many privileges the Stratos city-dwellers had. When the Troglytes formed a resistance, he was not above torture to crush the resistance. Even his own daughter, Droxine, questioned his methods.
- Plasus was a male Ardanan who served as High Advisor to the Ardanan Council, executive leader of planet Ardana in the 2260s. Plasus was also the father of Droxine. As a Stratos City Dweller, Plasus believed the Troglytes, the miner class on the planet, to be an inferior race, and continued Ardana's long-standing policy of apartheid, denying them of the privileges enjoyed by the Stratos dwellers.
| - Plasus was a male Ardanan who served as High Advisor to the Ardanan Council, executive leader of planet Ardana in the 2260s. Plasus was also the father of Droxine. As a Stratos City Dweller, Plasus believed the Troglytes, the miner class on the planet, to be an inferior race, and continued Ardana's long-standing policy of apartheid, denying them of the privileges enjoyed by the Stratos dwellers. In 2269, Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise abducted Plasus from Stratos to a zenite mine on Ardana, to convince him of the deleterious effects of zenite gas. Plasus finally accepted this proof, but threatened to press charges against Kirk. (TOS episode: "The Cloud Minders") Though he initially backed down from this threat, Plasus did file charges with the Starfleet Command Appeals Board. The Board rejected Plasus's complaint, concluding Kirk acted appropriately on behalf of an oppressed people. Plasus cut off relations with the Federation, and had a new anti-transporter defensive shield installed in Stratos. Shortly after, the Stratos City Dwellers launched a war against the Troglytes, who had formed their own government. This war, call the Great Disruption, eventually ended with the overthrow of Plasus's government and abandonment of Stratos. The ultimate fate of Plasus himself is unknown. (CoE eBook: Signs from Heaven)
- Plasus was the high advisor of Stratos, the capital city of the Federation member-world Ardana in 2269. He followed a policy of apartheid against the Troglytes, the miner-class on the planet Ardana. He believed the Troglytes as inferior, intellectually and physically, and denied them many privileges the Stratos city-dwellers had. When the Troglytes formed a resistance, he was not above torture to crush the resistance. Even his own daughter, Droxine, questioned his methods. In a visit to the planet to obtain zenite, James T. Kirk became involved in a rebellion. At first, Plasus and his guards rescued Kirk from an attack by the Troglytes. Later, after Kirk objected to Plasus' policies, he asked him to leave the planet and ordered him killed if he returned. Kirk discovered that the Troglytes were being affected by a gas emitted during mining operations. He kidnapped Plasus and held him in a mine with Vanna, the head of the resistance. Plasus was affected by the gas and realized that Kirk was telling the truth. This helped to bring both factions together in order to resolve their differences. (TOS: "The Cloud Minders" ) Plasus was portrayed by veteran actor Jeff Corey. According to the novel The Sorrows of Empire, his mirror universe counterpart was the Governor of Ardana, a subject planet of the Terran Empire, in 2277.
- Plasus was de administrator van Stratos, de hoofdstad van de Federatie planeet Ardana in 2269. Hij volgde een strikte vorm van apartheid tegen de Troglytes, de lagere klasse op de planeet Ardana. Er waren twee fracties op de planeet; de lage en de hoge klasse. James T. Kirk wist beide fracties bij elkaar te brengen. (TOS: "The Cloud Minders")