I"m so glad you're back. I accidentally ran out of the ice cream ammo you brought...BURP! Can you please help me take care of the Caterplugs in the area? Thanks!
Numbuh Two is complaining that the ice cream ammo is gone, though I suspect he ate it. And now he's having problems with monsters. Can you help?
Gracious! The KND really use a lot of ice cream ammo, but that's what keeps Eddy in business. Good work!
Did Numbuh Two truly eat all that ice cream? Wow!
Numbuh Two says he's all out of ice cream ammo again, even though you just brought him some. And now Sector V is overrun with Fuse's creatures. Better go talk to Numbuh Two.
Thanks! I knew I could count on you.
Numbuh Two just sent me an urgent message. Apparently, the ice cream ammo we supplied is already gone, though I have a sneaking suspicion that the problem is tummy-related. Regardless, can you see Ranger Ralphie to address the issue? Thanks!-Edd
You need to help Numbuh Two by defeating eight Caterplugs in Sector V.
Good work defending Sector V from Infestation. Please come back to Hero Square.
Sure enough, Numbuh Two ate all the ice cream ammo before he could use it. Well, thanks for helping him out. We need to keep the KND in our customer file.
Please come back to Hero Square and I'll reward you.