Translated by Pelorrah, Assistant Sapiarch of Altmeri Heritage, Cloudrest Annex "My Beloved Klathzgar, "Of my affections, be confident they are in no degree diminished. My father's demands for my bethrothal [sic] [Do not change this to betrothal. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game.] I have refused and thereby suffered greatly, kept apart as I was from my truest love. But alas, the illness of which I had written before grows ever worse, and I feel my life ebbing away. I have determined that I shall visit you for our farewells to be spoken, but in honor I must return to Silaseli thereafter. Sweet intentions though you have, I beseech you to abandon your designs to perpetuate my existence through mechanical embodiment. It is you I love, my ardent engineer, not your automata.
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| - Princess Urenenya's Letter
| - Translated by Pelorrah, Assistant Sapiarch of Altmeri Heritage, Cloudrest Annex "My Beloved Klathzgar, "Of my affections, be confident they are in no degree diminished. My father's demands for my bethrothal [sic] [Do not change this to betrothal. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game.] I have refused and thereby suffered greatly, kept apart as I was from my truest love. But alas, the illness of which I had written before grows ever worse, and I feel my life ebbing away. I have determined that I shall visit you for our farewells to be spoken, but in honor I must return to Silaseli thereafter. Sweet intentions though you have, I beseech you to abandon your designs to perpetuate my existence through mechanical embodiment. It is you I love, my ardent engineer, not your automata.
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| - Princess Urenenya's Letter
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| - Princess Urenenya's Letter
| - Translated by Pelorrah, Assistant Sapiarch of Altmeri Heritage, Cloudrest Annex "My Beloved Klathzgar, "Of my affections, be confident they are in no degree diminished. My father's demands for my bethrothal [sic] [Do not change this to betrothal. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game.] I have refused and thereby suffered greatly, kept apart as I was from my truest love. But alas, the illness of which I had written before grows ever worse, and I feel my life ebbing away. I have determined that I shall visit you for our farewells to be spoken, but in honor I must return to Silaseli thereafter. Sweet intentions though you have, I beseech you to abandon your designs to perpetuate my existence through mechanical embodiment. It is you I love, my ardent engineer, not your automata. "Urenenya"