| - A combined force unit of the Galactic Empire, comprising Imperial Navy warships, Imperial Army units, and Stormtrooper battalions. One of eight such task forces under the direction of Admiral Danik Kreldin during his Imperial Blitzkrieg of 14 ABY. Acting as a crack spearhead unit, Task Force Crimson Star had the dubious distinction of being first into any combat zone, and was a favorite unit of Kreldin's to use in a tactical pinch. It had its own command ship, but was frequently led by Kreldin's own Star Destroyer HIMS Conqueror during the Blitz.
| - A combined force unit of the Galactic Empire, comprising Imperial Navy warships, Imperial Army units, and Stormtrooper battalions. One of eight such task forces under the direction of Admiral Danik Kreldin during his Imperial Blitzkrieg of 14 ABY. Acting as a crack spearhead unit, Task Force Crimson Star had the dubious distinction of being first into any combat zone, and was a favorite unit of Kreldin's to use in a tactical pinch. It had its own command ship, but was frequently led by Kreldin's own Star Destroyer HIMS Conqueror during the Blitz. The vaunted task force met its end at the Second Battle of Mon Calamari acting as yet another feint-en-force for a major fleet operation. While Crimson Star assaulted Mon Calamari, and took on the fully reinforced Second Fleet of the Republic, its seven sibling task forces were invading and setting up a blockade of Sullust. The very determined Republicans exacted heavy losses on Task Force Crimson Star, and she lost nearly two-thirds of her roster complement. Once Admiral Kreldin got the survivors back to Fwillsving, he dissolved the task force, sending the ships onward to Sullust to be absorbed into the other task forces.