| - Tales From The Darkside is an American horror anthology show that premiered on October 29, 1983 with the pilot episode "Trick or Treat". It was created by famed horror director George A. Romero, most famous for his Night of the Living Dead and its follow-up sequels, which single-handedly created the modern day zombie film and is often considered the primary contributor to the creation of modern horror as a whole, as well. It lasted for four seasons, and was replaced with Monsters in 1988, and a movie in 1990. Although a reboot was attempted in 2015, it was not picked up by any networks.
| - Tales From The Darkside is an American horror anthology show that premiered on October 29, 1983 with the pilot episode "Trick or Treat". It was created by famed horror director George A. Romero, most famous for his Night of the Living Dead and its follow-up sequels, which single-handedly created the modern day zombie film and is often considered the primary contributor to the creation of modern horror as a whole, as well. It lasted for four seasons, and was replaced with Monsters in 1988, and a movie in 1990. Although a reboot was attempted in 2015, it was not picked up by any networks. The show follows the format made famous with The Twilight Zone and its rival The Outer Limits and was originally intended to be a television version of Creepshow, which had had moderate success at the box office the year prior. The show spanned various film genres, focusing on horror but also touching upon fantasy, science fiction, and even black comedy. Each episode was a separate entity with no overlaying theme, and almost all episodes tried to end with a plot twist. Notably, a number of famous authors such as Stephen King, Clive Barker, and Tom Savini contributed to the series. Two of these episodes were "Word Processor of the Gods" and "Sorry, Right Number", both by King.