| - For SoaSE 1.181 / Entrenchment 1.041 The galaxy forge maps NEED to be placed here for xp C:\Documents and Settings\'user name'\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\GalaxyForge or here for vista/windows 7 C:\Users\'user name'\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\GalaxyForge. for sins 1.15/entrenchment 1.01 and earlier, the correct location IS the program files \galaxy folder, and you also NEED to edit the entrenchment's galaxy.manifest to include the maps and also the total count of maps NOTE the first two folders after the 'user name' are hidden , so to see them you must first click on 'tools' then 'folder options', then 'view', then click on 'show hidden files& folders' then click ok, then you will be able to browse your want to the folder. I suggest when you find the folder that you create a shortcut to it on the desktop NOTE 2 the 'user name' in the above paths is your WINDOWS login user name, eg Administrator also the galaxy forge maps in the local apps galaxyforge folder only show up in the galaxy forge tab of map types in sins 1.16+/entrenchment 1.02+ if the map IS a galaxy forge and giving the instant win/loss screen then MAKE sure that EACH player has a home planet and is not for a particular mod that has extra home planets and stars and if a map you want to play was released before 25th feb 2009 then you will also need the sins map updater from here The galaxy files in the program files galaxy folder in entrenchment MUST be in the galaxy.manifest. if you move your galaxy files to the galaxyforge folder next to the mods folders then you do not need or want to alter the galaxy.manifest, and you will see your maps in the galaxyforge tab after the small,medium,large,mapdesigner(was the custom),then the Galaxy Forge lists. 1. use a picture (not tested) even if you are just copying it from another scenario 2. add a Browsename (these first two steps probably need to be added manually through Wordpad, Notepad, or Notepad++. 3. make sure you have .net version 3.5 with service pack1, just google it if you don't have it already, i needed it to make GF3 to actually work. 4. when you are editing your galaxy in the forge, be sure to add scenario options to your Recommended Players: GalaxyScenarioGameType Array, (click on some empty space and it should pop up in your toolbox about halfway down) i'm assuming this is what killed me and if i didn't stumble across it i never would have found it. 5. MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE THE .galaxy FILE IS IN THE GALAXY FOLDER IN THE GAMES FOLDER (see many many many examples above)