Yoshi! Yoshi yoshi yoshi yoshi! Yoshi yoshi yoshi yoshi yoshi yoshi yoshi yoshi yoshi!
So-a? Did it help-a? Good-a! Thank-a you for playing-a!
ROOOAR!!! What are you doing here? WHAT?! That guy Mario told your that I would help you beat my minions and me? I knew I shouldn't of trusted that guy...Grr...Fine. Below me is some easier ways to beat bosses. When you're done, SCRAM! And don't tell anyone else to come here!
Hello! It's-a me! Mario! You've been playing my game and need help, haven't you? Knew-a it! Well-a, me and my-a friends are-a here to help-a! Read-a below and some-a characters from my-a game will help-a you!
Oh-a! Hi there! I've-a been expecting you-a! Mario told me you needed help, so I decided to tell you how to find secret exits-a!
Oh! Oh! You came to see me! :) What? Mario said I'd help? Of course I will! I'll tell you where to find the other playable characters! :D Ok! Here I go!!!