| - A Ceti Eel has its body protected by a thick exoskeleton. They incubate their larvae between the plates of their jointed carapace. As adults, they are free-living burrowing creatures that spend most of the time hidden under the desert's sands. The larvae, however, are parasitoids. Once the larva leaves the protection of its parent's carapace, it will crawl into the ear of a larger being and burrow into the brain, causing the host severe pain, which leads to insanity and eventually death. As a side effect, it also makes the host extremely susceptible to suggestion.
- The Ceti Eel appears in the film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. It is the only indigenous lifeform of Ceti Alpha V known to have survived after Ceti Alpha VI exploded and sent Ceti Alpha V into a different orbit. Ceti eels incubate their larvae between protective plates that line their backs. The slime-covered larva will seek out a larger animal, enter its skull through the ear and wrap itself around the cerebral cortex. This causes the subject intense pain and makes them very susceptible to suggestion. As the larva grows, the host suffers from insanity and eventually, death.
- The Ceti eel was an animal lifeform native to the planet Ceti Alpha V. They are 0.36 metres long. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation) The Ceti eel utilized a creature known to Khan Noonien Singh and his followers as the "Ceti bison" as a host for its young. The young would wrap themselves around the animal's cerebral cortex which would result in changes in the bison's behavior as the eel grew in size. At times the Ceti bison could appear inactive, while at other times, they seemed to stagger and move about in an odd, almost drunken, manner. Fortunately, as the two creatures had evolved on the same planet, the Ceti bison generally did not suffer any ill-effects from acting as host, although if the eel failed to vacate its host in a sufficiently timely manner the host would soon die
- Ceti eels incubated their larvae within the plates of their jointed carapace. Upon emergence, the eel larvae could enter the ear of a larger animal, where it wrapped itself around the cerebral cortex. The effect caused the host extreme pain and rendered them extremely susceptible to outside suggestion. Over time, as the larvae matured, the subject suffered from madness and eventual death. Twenty of Khan Noonien Singh's followers were killed by Ceti eels in this fashion, including his "beloved wife." Marla McGivers was referenced as Khan's wife in lines cut from the final film. [1]
| - The Ceti Eel appears in the film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. It is the only indigenous lifeform of Ceti Alpha V known to have survived after Ceti Alpha VI exploded and sent Ceti Alpha V into a different orbit. Ceti eels incubate their larvae between protective plates that line their backs. The slime-covered larva will seek out a larger animal, enter its skull through the ear and wrap itself around the cerebral cortex. This causes the subject intense pain and makes them very susceptible to suggestion. As the larva grows, the host suffers from insanity and eventually, death. Khan Noonien Singh and his followers were marooned on this planet by James T. Kirk. Khan's wife, Marla McGivers, was killed after becoming a host for one of these creatures. Twenty more of Khan's people were killed in the same fashion, forming the basis for Khan's vendetta against Kirk. In the film, Captain Clark Terrell and Commander Pavel Chekov were captured by Khan while conducting a close-range sensor scan on the planet. Khan put the larvae into their helmets, where the creatures crawled into the men’s ears and subsequently burrowed into their brains. Terrell later killed himself, but Chekov's larva exited his ear and was disintegrated by a phaser-blast from Admiral Kirk's phaser. In popular culture The educational site AntlionPit refers to the ceti eel as a terrifying creature, and states that it unmistakably resembles an antlion larva. Plastic toys of ceti eels have been made in full size, and in miniature for sale with Khan dolls. Original castings of the movie prop are also available.
- Ceti eels incubated their larvae within the plates of their jointed carapace. Upon emergence, the eel larvae could enter the ear of a larger animal, where it wrapped itself around the cerebral cortex. The effect caused the host extreme pain and rendered them extremely susceptible to outside suggestion. Over time, as the larvae matured, the subject suffered from madness and eventual death. Twenty of Khan Noonien Singh's followers were killed by Ceti eels in this fashion, including his "beloved wife." Marla McGivers was referenced as Khan's wife in lines cut from the final film. [1] In 2285, Khan used Ceti eels to gain the cooperation of Captain Clark Terrell and Commander Pavel Chekov of the USS Reliant. However, both men fought against the eels' control of them; Terrell even committed suicide (vaporizing himself with his own phaser), rather than execute Admiral James T. Kirk as Khan had ordered him to do. After Terrell's death, Chekov collapsed in agony, whereupon the eel that had infected him – possibly sensing the death of its "brother" – crawled out of Chekov's ear and fell to the ground, where it was quickly vaporized by Kirk. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
- A Ceti Eel has its body protected by a thick exoskeleton. They incubate their larvae between the plates of their jointed carapace. As adults, they are free-living burrowing creatures that spend most of the time hidden under the desert's sands. The larvae, however, are parasitoids. Once the larva leaves the protection of its parent's carapace, it will crawl into the ear of a larger being and burrow into the brain, causing the host severe pain, which leads to insanity and eventually death. As a side effect, it also makes the host extremely susceptible to suggestion.
- The Ceti eel was an animal lifeform native to the planet Ceti Alpha V. They are 0.36 metres long. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation) The Ceti eel utilized a creature known to Khan Noonien Singh and his followers as the "Ceti bison" as a host for its young. The young would wrap themselves around the animal's cerebral cortex which would result in changes in the bison's behavior as the eel grew in size. At times the Ceti bison could appear inactive, while at other times, they seemed to stagger and move about in an odd, almost drunken, manner. Fortunately, as the two creatures had evolved on the same planet, the Ceti bison generally did not suffer any ill-effects from acting as host, although if the eel failed to vacate its host in a sufficiently timely manner the host would soon die from massive cerebral damage. Adult eels could inflict a nasty, but generally not dangerous bite on humanoids, though a large swarm of adults could kill and eat a person in short order. (TOS novel: To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh) When Ceti Alpha VI exploded in 2268, shifting the orbit of Ceti Alpha V, the planet went from being class M to class K; all life on the planet died except for the Augment colonists and the Ceti eel. In fact, the eel survived by turning to the colonists to serve as new hosts. Several of Khan's followers, including his wife, Marla McGivers, died after being infected with the eel. In humans, the eel rendered its victims highly suggestable. Unfortunately, as the eel grew in size, individuals would begin to experience fits of madness and eventual death. In 2285, when the USS Reliant visited Ceti Alpha V seeking a suitable planet on which to deploy the Genesis Device, Captain Clark Terrell and Commander Pavel Chekov beamed down to the surface to check some unusual readings. The two men came across the Botany Bay colony and were subsequently captured by Khan who had eels placed into their ears to make them more suggestable and reveal why they had come to the planet. Khan also used eels to control the Reliant engineering crew when he took control of the ship. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: The Wrath of Khan; Decipher RPG module: Worlds) By 2287 the numbers of the species had gone into a terminal decline due to a combination of the planet's increasingly inhospitable climate, the few remaining Augments having grown adept at shielding themselves from the eels, and the lack of any other species to use as hosts. After the last Augments were removed from the planet by Captain James T. Kirk, the species likely became extinct. (TOS novel: To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh)