| - Some time after Krang had returned to Dimension X and launched a new military campaign against worlds in it Krang had his Technodrome fortress rebuild into an spaceship capable of intergalactic travel which he used to travel from star system to star system and even travel between Dimension X and the Milkyway Galaxy. Because the vessel has a resemblance to a human skull Krang named it the Skullbuzzer Krang may have used the ship to attack the planet of Hirobyl. When the Shredder failed to locate the Turnstone on Earth Krang traveled with the Skullbuzzer to Earth to oversee the search for the Turnstone, but not before he first threatend an unnamed world. The leader of this world offered Krang a device that could locate the Turnstone over interstellar distances in return for sparing the life on his world. Krang took both. The former warlord Cherubae disguised as the swamp witch Mary Bones realized that Krang would destroy Earth and all life on it as he had done other worlds in his search for the Turnstone, so she used the device to resume her original form and transport herself to the planet Hirobyl in Dimension X, and took the turtles with her who had been captured by the Sons of Silence which were working for Krang at the time. Learning through his Turnstone tracking device that the Turnstone was now in Dimension X Krang immediately decided to go after it, taking the Shredder, Bebop, Rocksteady, and the Sons of Silence with him. Once in the skies above Hirobyl Krang was confronted by Cherubae and the Turnstone which she used to turn Krang's tracking device into a bird. Krang reacted by opening fire on her with the Skullbuzzer's X Ray lasers and Stun beam which incapacitated Cherubae and made her drop the Turnstone. Before he could finish her off the Sons of Silence abandoned Krang's side and took Cherubae with them for some unknown goal. After sending the Shredder, Bebop, and Rockstready planetside on flying sewer jet skis, Krang temporary left Hirobyl to contact the insect queen Maligna to make an arrangement with her in return for the service of ten of her children. After the turles and their allies on Hirobyl managed to defeat the Maligna's warrior children Krang suddenly reappeared with the Skullbuzzer and opened fire on them In the meantime Leatherhead who had come across the Turnstone by coincidence used it to summon Cherubae, after a brief discussion with her why she turned Jess Harley into Leatherhead in the first place he gave the Turnstone to her which she then used to end the conflict. Cherbue used the Turnstone to exile Krang and his associated. Bebop and Rocksteady where sent to an eden like world not inhabited by any intelligent beings were they could live like the creatures they were at heart, she sent the Shredder to a prison on Earth, and Krang was exiled to the toxic waste dump world of Morbus. Afterwards Cherbue gave the Skullbuzzer to Trap, Leatherhead, and Wingnut and Screwloose. The ship would not any other appearance in follow up TMNT Adventure comics.