Doctor Elizabeth "Betty" Ross is a scientist and professor at Culver University. She dated Bruce Banner and helped him after a horrible accident involving Gamma Radiation turned him into Hulk.
Doctor Elizabeth "Betty" Ross is a scientist and professor at Culver University. She dated Bruce Banner and helped him after a horrible accident involving Gamma Radiation turned him into Hulk.
Betty Ross is the love interest of Bruce Banner and the only daughter of renowned military general General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. After the Hulk's creation, Bruce and Betty split up. Ross is a cellular biologist, who is able to work with Bruce Banner on a cure for his "condition". The original comic book continuity has been designated as taking place on Earth-616.
Betty Ross is the love interest of Bruce Banner/Hulk from the Hulk comics, TV series and live action movies. She's the daughter of General Ross. Betty has great thinking to Bruce while he does some scientific things and The Hulk always saves Betty.
Betty Ross es el interés amoroso de Bruce Banner y la hija única del reconocido general del ejército Thaddeus "Trueno" Ross. Después de la creación de Hulk, Bruce y Betty tuvieron que dejar de salir a causa de su padre. Ross es una bióloga celular, por lo que es capaz de trabajar con Bruce Banner en una cura para su "condición".
<default>Betty Ross</default> BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalität Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher Betty Ross ist die von Tochter Leutnant General Thaddeus Ross, und arbeitete zusammen mit ihrem geliebten Bruce Banner im selben Labor.
Betty Ross is a scientist and expert in gamma radiation. She worked closely with Bruce Banner and the two fell in love.