Teen Titans is an animated series created by Glen Murakami, based on the DC Comics characters of the same name. It is based primarily on the run of stories by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez in the early 1980s New Teen Titans comic book series. Initially, only four seasons were planned, but the popularity of the series led to Cartoon Network ordering a fifth season. It first premiered on July 19, 2003 and its series finale, "Things Change", aired on January 16, 2006, though it was later followed by a film that premiered on September 15, 2006, serving as the series finale. Recently, another comic book series was published called Teen Titans, Go!. This series focuses on the characters from the animated series, rather than the original Teen Titans.
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| - Teen Titans is an animated series created by Glen Murakami, based on the DC Comics characters of the same name. It is based primarily on the run of stories by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez in the early 1980s New Teen Titans comic book series. Initially, only four seasons were planned, but the popularity of the series led to Cartoon Network ordering a fifth season. It first premiered on July 19, 2003 and its series finale, "Things Change", aired on January 16, 2006, though it was later followed by a film that premiered on September 15, 2006, serving as the series finale. Recently, another comic book series was published called Teen Titans, Go!. This series focuses on the characters from the animated series, rather than the original Teen Titans.
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| - Teen Titans is an animated series created by Glen Murakami, based on the DC Comics characters of the same name. It is based primarily on the run of stories by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez in the early 1980s New Teen Titans comic book series. Initially, only four seasons were planned, but the popularity of the series led to Cartoon Network ordering a fifth season. It first premiered on July 19, 2003 and its series finale, "Things Change", aired on January 16, 2006, though it was later followed by a film that premiered on September 15, 2006, serving as the series finale. Recently, another comic book series was published called Teen Titans, Go!. This series focuses on the characters from the animated series, rather than the original Teen Titans.