| - The teams searched. Most of their efforts were fruitless. All the found were traces of DNA, people with reactions, and wreckage beyond what could be seen. When they all felt like they'd give up hope, they fortunately found something that would help them big time. Team LUCHA was walking along in the forest. The Flea stepped on a rock, but it started to sink into the ground. He then looked forward and saw that part of the ground was opening up. "Uh guys?" Flea said, pointing and staring at what was going on. The three kids looked, and before going down, they called in the other teams. When the other teams arrived, the team explained the situation. "The Flea was just walking along, when suddenly The Flea steps on a rock," Flea explained, "but the rock sank into the ground and opened up a door!" "I'm going in!" Numbuh 5 declared, wanting the others to stay behind, just to be safe. "Wait," Fluttershy said, "I want to come too. I know you want me to stay behind, but it's too dangerous to do this on your own." The two then wandered into the deep cave. At the end of the cave was a door. The human girl and the pony opened it slowly, peering in to see what was inside. They saw a little banshee girl. She was dressed in purple, and looked quite depressed. "Hello there. Who are you?" Fluttershy asked politely. "My name is Misery," answered the banshee girl. "What are you doing here?" asked Numbuh 5. "Well, it's a long story," Misery answered, then continued to tell her story, "I didn't want to do it, but.........I'm the one who woke Discord. He told me he could cure my bloodline of bad luck, but I refused. He then brainwashed me. He forced me to promise that I would free him. So when you found that book and went to Baldwin's house, it triggered the spell he put on me. I snuck in, eavesdropped, then woke him up. But, when he was free, I told him that I did my job, and that he should let me free. He thought that that was me defying him, and so he locked me away in here. I-I'm," Misery started to weep, "I'm so sorry! I didn't want to, but he forced me!!" "Oh, you poor thing!" Fluttershy sympathized. "Wait, if you were locked in, how did we get in?" Numbuh 5 asked. "Discord put a spell on the door," Misery explained, "that way, anything could get in, but nothing could get out." They heared a low creek. "Uh-oh!" Fluttershy exclaimed. They left the door open, but it was slowly closing. They ran to the door, and quickly got out before it closed. When they got back above ground, Numbuh 5 explained everything. "Misery here was forced to wake up Discord. She was locked in a room at the end of the cave, and we freed her," Numbuh 5 explained, "I think we could use her to find Discord." "Yes, I know where he is," Misery stated, "Just follow me; I'll take you to him." This was it, they were finally about to find Discord. However, they weren't going to be prepared for what happened when they got there............