| - You have The Mole on your team. Perhaps you even know who he is, feeding information to the Big Bad, or (if Divided We Fall) to The Rival. How convenient! You can now spread whatever (dis)information you want spread! You may even manage to trigger an Enemy Civil War. This trope is when a group that has been infiltrated by The Mole ends up exploiting that Mole by deliberately spreading information, or more usually disinformation. There are at least two reasons why they'd do this: A "Mole" who willingly feeds the information you want is a Double Agent. A Mole who is Becoming the Mask may slowly move to being a Double Agent. Feed the Mole may lead to a You Have Failed Me moment for the unlucky Mole concerned, if their boss ever figures out what they did. The boss may even accuse the Mole of doing it of their own free will, when really the Mole had no more idea what was going on than the boss did. On the other hand, if the Big Bad figures out, or guesses, that you know about the Mole, he will know that you are feeding him information, false or manipulative. If counterploys start forming on each side, this might tumble over into I Know You Know I Know and a Gambit Pileup may ensue. Note that this isn't exclusive to the hero - the Big Bad, The Dragon or The Rival could just as easily manipulate a Reverse Mole in this fashion. The Chessmaster and the Magnificent Bastard are quite likely to use this tactic to confuse or to trick the hero. If that's the case, then the tactic will generally be condemned more strongly by the audience as playing dirty than if the hero had used it, obviously because the audience is usually (Designated Hero notwithstanding) on the hero's side, or because it's more likely an opponent will be more ruthless by, for example, using it to get the hero killed. Might make for a good Reveal when the hero or the Reverse Mole says "My God, What Have I Done?". This is one of The Thirty-Six Stratagems, making it Older Than Feudalism. Compare Bluff the Eavesdropper. Examples of Feed the Mole include: