| - Willie Fuffner, played by Larenz Tate, is a trouble-maker and resident bully at Vanderbuilt Middle School. He was friends with his dim-witted sidekick named Waldo Faldo. He frequently like to bully Steve, but his main antagonism is towards Laura whom refused to go to the dance with him and he paid her back by forcing the other boys to the dating sidelines. According to Greg, if any guy is caught dating Laura in front of Willie, they'll be forced to breath down his ear and wants her to go with Urkel. Steve refused to let him get away with it and confronts Willie for his actions for forcing Laura to go to the dance with him is just plain wrong. Willie took it as a compliment, but was insulted when he slapped him with a mitten and demanded he apologize to her at once. Both boys got into a fig
| - Willie Fuffner, played by Larenz Tate, is a trouble-maker and resident bully at Vanderbuilt Middle School. He was friends with his dim-witted sidekick named Waldo Faldo. He frequently like to bully Steve, but his main antagonism is towards Laura whom refused to go to the dance with him and he paid her back by forcing the other boys to the dating sidelines. According to Greg, if any guy is caught dating Laura in front of Willie, they'll be forced to breath down his ear and wants her to go with Urkel. Steve refused to let him get away with it and confronts Willie for his actions for forcing Laura to go to the dance with him is just plain wrong. Willie took it as a compliment, but was insulted when he slapped him with a mitten and demanded he apologize to her at once. Both boys got into a fight at school and rather than take the sensible route and force them to apologize, Coach Redding (who only appears in this episode) decides the boys should fight at Silver's Gym. During the fight, Greg was inspired by Urkel's bravery and challenged Willie to fight him next. He accepts his offer, but was forced to reconsider when the other irate boys stood up and demanded he fights them next after he get done with Steve and Greg. In Life of the Party, still reeling from his loss to Urkel, he plotted revenge against him. At Maxine's rooftop party, Steve impresses the crowd by teaching them to do "The Urkel Dance". Humiliated, Willie spikes his cup of punch with the smuggled small bottles of alcohol hidden in Waldo's trench coat. A drunken Urkel hangs by the clothesline and fortunately Rachel was able to save him by tightrope walking and pulling him to safety. Laura confronts Willie and Waldo about their actions. She tells them off Steve could've been killed if it wasn't for her aunt and that smuggling alcohol and then spiking someone else's drink isn't cool. Willie has been sent to Juvenile Hall and hasn't been seen since.