[Source] Snaggletooth était Snivvien vivant sur Tatooine vers 0 ABY. Il se trouvait à la cantina de Chalmun le jour où Luke Skywalker et Obi-Wan Kenobi y entrèrent pour trouver un pilote vers Alderaan.
Snaggletooth's or "Snivvians" as they're less frequently called are a humanoid species that are among the most renowned artists in the Galaxy. The most well known and also the most slutty snaggletooth is known as Kirsten Dunst.
Snaggletooth was de bijnaam van verschillende personen:
* Zutton, de bezoeker van Chalmun's Cantina.
* De Snivvian als species in het algemeen.
Snaggletooth was a Snivvian present in Chalmun's Cantina on the planet Tatooine during the standard year 0 BBY. While walking the streets of Mos Eisley, Snaggletooth wore a red tunic over a black shirt along with light-colored pants and boots. The Snivvian had light-colored skin, black eyes, and brown hair.
Snaggletooth is a female Windstriker that appears in Dragons: Rise of Berk.
thumb|200px|right|Snaggletooth's theme song Snaggletooth is a evil Battle Penguin. His weapon of choice is the stolen Decibelizer 3000 guitar, which was G's. He has a mask, which he wore so much, it became a part of his face.
Snaggletooth is a named Basilisk in Eastern Eracus Desert.