Dr. Lang informs Barnabas that he will need blood transfusions at least once a week for the time being. Barnabas wants to know how Lang intends to cure him, and Lang asks him if he'd like to have the appearance of Jeff Clark. Barnabas says he cannot cooperate with Lang unless he is open with him. Lang says he isn't at liberty at the moment to be totally open, but promises that very soon, Barnabas will begin to live a new life. Roger shows up at Dr. Lang's home saying he must see him on a matter of utmost importance.
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| - El cuatrocientos setenta y dos (472) es el número natural que sigue al 471 y precede al 473. Categoría:Números
- Dr. Lang informs Barnabas that he will need blood transfusions at least once a week for the time being. Barnabas wants to know how Lang intends to cure him, and Lang asks him if he'd like to have the appearance of Jeff Clark. Barnabas says he cannot cooperate with Lang unless he is open with him. Lang says he isn't at liberty at the moment to be totally open, but promises that very soon, Barnabas will begin to live a new life. Roger shows up at Dr. Lang's home saying he must see him on a matter of utmost importance.
- Richard versucht alles, um Lars Berger davon zu überzeugen, Diana Eisshow umzusetzen. Doch nach dem verpatzten Date zwischen Lars und Diana scheint eine Zusammenarbeit unmöglich. Erst als Richard Lars offenbart, dass es sich bei dem Konzept um Dianas wahre Geschichte handelt, kann er Lars' Interesse wecken. Nina ist frustriert: Erst nervt der Job, dann verweigert ihr Deniz auch noch versprochene VIP-Tickets. Nina entlädt ihre Wut an einer gefundenen Voodoo-Puppe. Wenig später folgt Vanessa ihrem Beispiel. Zusammen basteln die beiden Mädels eine Voodoo-Puppe. Was sie nicht ahnen: Der Spaß hat beängstigende Folgen. Maximilian kann sich der Faszination Celines nicht entziehen, was von Simone nicht unentdeckt bleibt. Sofort sieht sie die geplante Hochzeit zwischen Maximilian und Juli in Gefahr
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| - El cuatrocientos setenta y dos (472) es el número natural que sigue al 471 y precede al 473. Categoría:Números
- Richard versucht alles, um Lars Berger davon zu überzeugen, Diana Eisshow umzusetzen. Doch nach dem verpatzten Date zwischen Lars und Diana scheint eine Zusammenarbeit unmöglich. Erst als Richard Lars offenbart, dass es sich bei dem Konzept um Dianas wahre Geschichte handelt, kann er Lars' Interesse wecken. Nina ist frustriert: Erst nervt der Job, dann verweigert ihr Deniz auch noch versprochene VIP-Tickets. Nina entlädt ihre Wut an einer gefundenen Voodoo-Puppe. Wenig später folgt Vanessa ihrem Beispiel. Zusammen basteln die beiden Mädels eine Voodoo-Puppe. Was sie nicht ahnen: Der Spaß hat beängstigende Folgen. Maximilian kann sich der Faszination Celines nicht entziehen, was von Simone nicht unentdeckt bleibt. Sofort sieht sie die geplante Hochzeit zwischen Maximilian und Juli in Gefahr. Maximilian macht Simone jedoch klar, dass er nicht vor hat, diesen Plan aus den Augen zu verlieren. Wird er sich daran halten können?
- Dr. Lang informs Barnabas that he will need blood transfusions at least once a week for the time being. Barnabas wants to know how Lang intends to cure him, and Lang asks him if he'd like to have the appearance of Jeff Clark. Barnabas says he cannot cooperate with Lang unless he is open with him. Lang says he isn't at liberty at the moment to be totally open, but promises that very soon, Barnabas will begin to live a new life. The Sheriff calls Collinwood, and Julia takes a message for Elizabeth. It seems Roger Collins spent the previous night at the Collinsport Inn and checked out early this evening. Julia expresses puzzlement to Barnabas mentioning that Roger has been acting strangely ever since Vicki brought the painting to Collinwood. Barnabas tells Julia that he was once married to the woman in the portrait, Angelique Collins, and she was the one who put a curse on him. Julia then shows Barnabas Dr. Lang's head mirror that was found by Mrs. Johnson. Barnabas realizes that somehow, Angelique is trying to get her revenge on Dr. Lang for removing the curse and is using Roger to do so. Barnabas tells Julia they must get to Dr. Lang before it is too late. Roger shows up at Dr. Lang's home saying he must see him on a matter of utmost importance. Roger tells Dr. Lang that he has been instructed to come, but he doesn't know by whom. He heard a voice telling him to see a doctor immediately, or he would be dead from a stroke by dawn. He came to Lang because his family doctor is out of town. Roger notices Lang's collection of harpoons and asks if he can examine one of them. While he is doing so, Lang prepares to give Roger an EKG. When Lang is turned away, Roger raises the harpoon to thrust it into his back. A knock at the door breaks the spell Roger is under, and he collapses into a chair. Lang lets Barnabas and Julia in. Roger doesn't seem to know what he is doing there. Julia offers to take him back to Collinwood. Barnabas picks up the harpoon that Roger dropped and tells Lang that Roger came here to kill him. Barnabas tells Lang that Roger was trying to kill him after being possessed by Angelique. Lang has difficulty believing Barnabas. He is a man of science and doesn't believe in witches or curses. Barnabas shows Lang his head mirror, saying Roger stole it and then used it to give him the terrible headache he experienced. Julia returns to tell Barnabas that while she was stopped at an intersection, Roger jumped out of the car and disappeared into the night. Roger brings the portrait of Angelique to Prof. Stokes and offers to give him the portrait because neither he nor Victoria Winters wants it anymore. He can send Vicki a check for whatever value he places on it. Roger unwraps the portrait and is astonished to see only a blank canvas in the frame. When Barnabas and Julia return to Collinwood, they are shocked to see the portrait back on the easel in the drawing room.
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