WARNING: The sNewTag parameter has been removed from this function. This means any scripts which used this parameter will now fail to compile.
Plik do załączenia: (nie wymagany) Parametry:
* sItemTemplate - nazwa szablonu przedmiotu (item)
* oTarget - obiekt, który ma otrzymać przedmiot(/y)
* nStackSize - liczba naturalna, ilość przedmiotów do dodania
function CreateItemOnObject (string sItemTemplate, object oTarget=OBJECT_SELF, int nStackSize=1) Create an item with the template sItemTemplate in oTarget's inventory. -
* nStackSize: This is the stack size of the item to be created *
* Return value: The object that has been created. On error, this returns OBJECT_INVALID.
* Return type: object
* Include file: nwscriptdefn
WARNING: The sNewTag parameter has been removed from this function. This means any scripts which used this parameter will now fail to compile.
Plik do załączenia: (nie wymagany) Parametry:
* sItemTemplate - nazwa szablonu przedmiotu (item)
* oTarget - obiekt, który ma otrzymać przedmiot(/y)
* nStackSize - liczba naturalna, ilość przedmiotów do dodania
function CreateItemOnObject (string sItemTemplate, object oTarget=OBJECT_SELF, int nStackSize=1) Create an item with the template sItemTemplate in oTarget's inventory. -
* nStackSize: This is the stack size of the item to be created *
* Return value: The object that has been created. On error, this returns OBJECT_INVALID.
* Return type: object
* Include file: nwscriptdefn