Title 20 of the United States Code outlines the role of education in the United States Code.
* 20 U.S.C. ch.1—Office of Education
* 20 U.S.C. ch.2—Teaching of Agricultural, Trade, Home Economics, and Industrial Subjects
* 20 U.S.C. ch.3—Smithsonian Institution, National Museums and Art Galleries
* 20 U.S.C. ch.4—National Zoological Park
* 20 U.S.C. ch.5—Government Collections and Institutions for Research, and Material for Educational Institutions
* 20 U.S.C. ch.6—American Printing House for the Blind
* 20 U.S.C. ch.6a—Vending Facilities for Blind in Federal Buildings
* 20 U.S.C. ch.7—Instruction as to Nature and Effect of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
* 20 U.S.C. ch.8—Howard University
* 20 U.S.C. ch.9—National Training School for Boys
* 20 U.S.C
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| - Title 20 of the United States Code
| - Title 20 of the United States Code outlines the role of education in the United States Code.
* 20 U.S.C. ch.1—Office of Education
* 20 U.S.C. ch.2—Teaching of Agricultural, Trade, Home Economics, and Industrial Subjects
* 20 U.S.C. ch.3—Smithsonian Institution, National Museums and Art Galleries
* 20 U.S.C. ch.4—National Zoological Park
* 20 U.S.C. ch.5—Government Collections and Institutions for Research, and Material for Educational Institutions
* 20 U.S.C. ch.6—American Printing House for the Blind
* 20 U.S.C. ch.6a—Vending Facilities for Blind in Federal Buildings
* 20 U.S.C. ch.7—Instruction as to Nature and Effect of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
* 20 U.S.C. ch.8—Howard University
* 20 U.S.C. ch.9—National Training School for Boys
* 20 U.S.C
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| - Title 20 of the United States Code outlines the role of education in the United States Code.
* 20 U.S.C. ch.1—Office of Education
* 20 U.S.C. ch.2—Teaching of Agricultural, Trade, Home Economics, and Industrial Subjects
* 20 U.S.C. ch.3—Smithsonian Institution, National Museums and Art Galleries
* 20 U.S.C. ch.4—National Zoological Park
* 20 U.S.C. ch.5—Government Collections and Institutions for Research, and Material for Educational Institutions
* 20 U.S.C. ch.6—American Printing House for the Blind
* 20 U.S.C. ch.6a—Vending Facilities for Blind in Federal Buildings
* 20 U.S.C. ch.7—Instruction as to Nature and Effect of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
* 20 U.S.C. ch.8—Howard University
* 20 U.S.C. ch.9—National Training School for Boys
* 20 U.S.C. ch.10—National Training School for Girls
* 20 U.S.C. ch.11—National Arboretum
* 20 U.S.C. ch.12—Foreign and Exchange Students
* 20 U.S.C. ch.13—Financial Assistance to Local Educational Agencies
* 20 U.S.C. ch.14—School Construction in Areas Affected by Federal Activities
* 20 U.S.C. ch.15—Studies and Research On Problems in Education
* 20 U.S.C. ch.16—Public Library Services and Construction
* 20 U.S.C. ch.17—National Defense Education Program
* 20 U.S.C. ch.18—Grants for Teaching in the Education of Handicapped Children
* 20 U.S.C. ch.18a—Early Education Programs for Handicapped Children
* 20 U.S.C. ch.19—School Construction in Areas Affected by Federal Activities
* 20 U.S.C. ch.20—Grants For Teaching in the Education by the Deaf
* 20 U.S.C. ch.20a—National Technical Institute for the Deaf
* 20 U.S.C. ch.20b—Gallaudet College
* 20 U.S.C. ch.21—Higher Education Facilities
* 20 U.S.C. ch.22—National Council on the Arts
* 20 U.S.C. ch.23—Training and Fellowship Programs for Community Development
* 20 U.S.C. ch.24—Grants for Educational Materials, Facilities and Services, and Strengthening of Educational Agencies
* 20 U.S.C. ch.25—Pay and Personnel Program for Overseas Teachers
* 20 U.S.C. ch.25a—Overseas Defense Dependents Education
* 20 U.S.C. ch.26—Support and Scholarship in Humanities and Arts; Museum Services
* 20 U.S.C. ch.26a—Indemnity For Exhibitions of Arts and Artifacts
* 20 U.S.C. ch.27—National Vocational Student Loan Insurance
* 20 U.S.C. ch.28—Higher Education Resources and Student Assistance
* 20 U.S.C. ch.29—International Studies and Research
* 20 U.S.C. ch.30—Basic Education for Adults
* 20 U.S.C. ch.31—General Provisions Concerning Education
* 20 U.S.C. ch.32—Vocational Education
* 20 U.S.C. ch.33—Education Of Individuals With Disabilities
* 20 U.S.C. ch.34—National Commission On Libraries And Information Science
* 20 U.S.C. ch.35—Environmental Education
* 20 U.S.C. ch.36—Emergency School Aid
* 20 U.S.C. ch.37—Assignment Or Transportation Of Students
* 20 U.S.C. ch.38—Discrimination Based on Sex or Blindness
* 20 U.S.C. ch.39—Equal Educational Opportunities and Transportation of Students
* 20 U.S.C. ch.40—Consolidation of Education Programs
* 20 U.S.C. ch.41—National Reading Improvement Program
* 20 U.S.C. ch.42—Harry S Truman Memorial Scholarships
* 20 U.S.C. ch.43—American Folklife Preservation
* 20 U.S.C. ch.44—Vocational and Technical Education
* 20 U.S.C. ch.45—Career Education and Career Development
* 20 U.S.C. ch.46—Career Education Incentive
* 20 U.S.C. ch.47—Strengthening and Improvement of Elementary and Secondary Schools
* 20 U.S.C. ch.48—Department of Education
* 20 U.S.C. ch.49—Asbestos School Hazard Detection and Control
* 20 U.S.C. ch.50—National Center for the Study of Afro-American History and Culture
* 20 U.S.C. ch.51—Elementary and Secondary Education Block Grant
* 20 U.S.C. ch.52—Education for Economic Security
* 20 U.S.C. ch.53—Emergency Immigrant Education Assistance
* 20 U.S.C. ch.54—Leadership in Educational Administration
* 20 U.S.C. ch.55—Education of the Deaf
* 20 U.S.C. ch.56—American Indian, Alaska Native, And Native Hawaiian Culture and Art Development
* 20 U.S.C. ch.57—James Madison Memorial Fellowship Program
* 20 U.S.C. ch.58—Drug-Free Schools and Communities
* 20 U.S.C. ch.59—Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program
* 20 U.S.C. ch.60—Fund for the Improvement and Reform of Schools and Teaching
* 20 U.S.C. ch.61—Education for Native Hawaiians
* 20 U.S.C. ch.62—Education and Training for American Competitiveness
* 20 U.S.C. ch.63—Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Program
* 20 U.S.C. ch.64—Excellence in Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Education
* 20 U.S.C. ch.65—National Environmental Education
* 20 U.S.C. ch.66—Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation
* 20 U.S.C. ch.67—Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation
* 20 U.S.C. ch.68—National Education Reform
* 20 U.S.C. ch.69—School-To-Work Opportunities
* 20 U.S.C. ch.70—Strengthening And Improvement Of Elementary And Secondary Schools
* 20 U.S.C. ch.71—National Education Statistics
* 20 U.S.C. ch.72—Museum and Library Services
* 20 U.S.C. ch.73—Adult Education and Literacy
* 20 U.S.C. ch.74—Troops-To-Teachers Program
* 20 U.S.C. ch.75—Early Learning Opportunities
* 20 U.S.C. ch.76—Education Research, Statistics, Evaluation, Information, and Dissemination
* 20 U.S.C. ch.77—Financial Literacy and Education Improvement