| - Both Celes and Terra eventually betray the Empire and join the Returners. Although Terra is considered an elite Magitek knight, she had natural magic not received from an infusion. General Leo Cristophe was also considered for the process of becoming a Magitek knight, but refused the infusion. It would not be unfounded to surmise that Magitek knights, given their considerable sword skills and magical powers, would have been among the elite troops of the Empire. However, as Kefka shows, not all Magitek knights are as proficient in physical combat as they are in magic.
| - Both Celes and Terra eventually betray the Empire and join the Returners. Although Terra is considered an elite Magitek knight, she had natural magic not received from an infusion. General Leo Cristophe was also considered for the process of becoming a Magitek knight, but refused the infusion. It would not be unfounded to surmise that Magitek knights, given their considerable sword skills and magical powers, would have been among the elite troops of the Empire. However, as Kefka shows, not all Magitek knights are as proficient in physical combat as they are in magic. Terra, Celes and Kefka are the only named Magitek knights named in the game. Leo's Shock ability is magic based, though he is not technically a Magitek knight. Emperor Gestahl himself also had access to magic, but he did not seem to possess any notable abilities in combat. Beyond this, Magitek knight seems to be a broad term for soldiers who can use magic, and thus, any soldier of the Empire who could cast magic could be considered one. It is also implied that two magitek knights of differing gender mating together would have progeny that would themselves be able to use magic naturally, as Gestahl, when trying to convince Celes Chere to return to the Empire, mentioned intentions of supplying she and Kefka with the task of creating magitek progeny for his new Magitek Empire.