| - Los anx eran una gran especie reptiliana del planeta Gravlex Med.
- The Anx were a long, reptilian sentient species from the planet of Gravlex Med, in the system of Anx Space in the Raioballo sector.
- [Source] Les Anx étaient une espèce originaire de la planète Gravlex Med affiliée à la République Galactique. Les Anx avaient la particularité de posséder une sorte de crête volumineuse au-dessus de leur tête, pouvant faire penser à un dinosaure. De plus, ils avaient une peau épaisse. Au début de la Guerre des Clones, le sénateur des Anx était Zo Howler. Un autre Anx était assez connu, il s'agit du Jedi Thongla Jur.
- The Anx were a tall sentient species with crested heads. They were represented in both the Galactic Senate and the Jedi Order.
- Anx Az anx egy magas, hüllőszerű faj volt a Gravlex Med bolygóról.
- Sociable creatures, they possessed an incredible devotion to any group of which they felt a part. Their crests could change color to reflect their moods. The Anx language was made of loud, low-frequency noises that they could use to communicate across distances of several kilometers. To compensate for poor eyesight, Anx had an acute sense of smell. They also tended to possess a formidable knowledge of anatomy, especially nerves, muscles and bone structures, making them dangerous unarmed combatants and skilled warriors, capable of defeating most opponents.
- The skin of an Anx was capable of changing color, and the areas around the crest were especially adaptable. The color changes expressed by an Anx's emotions were basic enough that other races and species could understand them, a fact that meant many Anx were poor sabacc players and negotiators. Many politicians took to wearing crest cloaks in order to hide their true emotions.