The Moors of Ykesha covers the areas of Norrath previously known as the Rathe Mountains, Innothule Swamp and Brokenskull Rock. While other parts of Norrath saw land swallowed up by the oceans during The Shattering, in the Moors of Ykesha the land was upthrust and now stands impossibly high above the ocean waves. Upon these lofty plateaus the great swamp still exists, as do the towns and splintered factions of the trolls and frogloks. This volatile land has also been invaded by minions of the Void, the shadowpeople and their kin, who have nefarious plans for the entire planet.
*Anker von Bazzul
*Obelisk von Ahkzul
*The Ruins of Guk: The Lower Corridors
*The Ruins of Guk: Halls of the Fallen
*The Ruins of Guk: Ykesha's Outer Stronghold
*Palast von Ferzhul
The Moors of Ykesha covers the areas of Norrath previously known as the Rathe Mountains, Innothule Swamp and Brokenskull Rock. While other parts of Norrath saw land swallowed up by the oceans during The Shattering, in the Moors of Ykesha the land was upthrust and now stands impossibly high above the ocean waves. Upon these lofty plateaus the great swamp still exists, as do the towns and splintered factions of the trolls and frogloks. This volatile land has also been invaded by minions of the Void, the shadowpeople and their kin, who have nefarious plans for the entire planet.