| - The Maxson bunker was a pre-War fallout shelter built by a senator for his family and himself. Unfortunately, the war caught him unaware, and the bunker was never actually used for its intended purpose. All but forgotten, the bunker location was passed down as a family secret from one generation to the next. Eventually, a family member passed the secret on to Roger Maxson, who claimed it for the Brotherhood of Steel. The bunker was intended to be used as a staging area for exploration teams scouting the east. However, once the war broke out with the New California Republic, the bunker became a forward base of operations against Hoover Dam, an NCR outpost. The war effort has gone poorly for both sides, with the Brotherhood of Steel having superior technology, yet the NCR having superior numbers of troops. As a result, the war has been at a stalemate for years, with morale on both sides having plummeted, and with the Brotherhood of Steel most severely affected. The Brotherhood of Steel have always believed themselves to be an elite organization comprised of the best that mankind has to offer in terms of soldiers and technology. The fact that a large group of under trained and under equipped troops could hold their own against such superior forces was an eye opener for the Brotherhood of Steel. The war, in their eyes, has now become a senseless waste of lives and resources, and many of the Brotherhood of Steel troops have deserted and fled into the wastelands to find new lives; leaving the bunker occupied by a select few diehards. In the wake of these troubles, a covert group of former Brotherhood of Steel operatives has come into existence, calling themselves the Circle of Steel. This group raids caravans and villages, confiscates any advanced technology they may have, and does so in the name of salvaging mankind from itself.