| - "Hmmm...." Darktan said, pacing back and forth. "We are losing. We must retreat. Aha, but they wont be much without their precious capital, will they?" He said to a Mwa Mwa Penguin. "Otay. Wes swir!" said the loonie. Darktan called a break with the referee. The referee agreed. He sounded an air horn and ordered the armies to stop. Group "aawwws" were heard across the valley. Luce turned to Proffesor Shroomsky. "Professor, make sure you don't drop the Silmaril Crown. Darktan is up to something, and we're going to need it." Shroomsky nodded. Darktan floated at his vantange point overlooking the battle. "Before we storm the capital, we must figure out why the tides shifted right after the storm came..." Darktan whispered to himself. He clapped his flippers and summoned a Dark Archon. The dragon-smoke creature bowed in respect and waved, signaling he was ready for his orders. "Okay. I need you to go into that could and find out anything you can on a powerful weapon." The Dark Archon bowed and did so. He flew up into the sky and immediantly mnd-controlled a random arctic tern. Using this new body, he shuffled in a zombie manner straight to Mayor McFlapp's quarters. The Archon paused. He looked left and right. For a second, he could have sworn he heard someone playing an organ down the halls of the empty building. He shuffled down the corridors to a room with an ornate door. Two terns holding Snow Ball Guns stopped him. "What do you want?" The Dark Archon was nervous. He had no idea what to do, and since his species can not speak, he was worried. He floated out of the tern he mind-controled and dashed behind a curtain. The tern shook its head rapidly. "Where am I? Why am I in front of the Narrator's Organ room?" The guards glared. The tern dashed off. The Dark Archon sighed in relief. He immediantly fired his aura beams at one of the guards, forcing it to the The Worm dance. He zapped the other, and it started cutting the rug like Cadence, even doing her signature dance. "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO US?!" one tern screamed to the other. "I DON'T KNOW, BUT I SURE AM A DANCING MACHINE! WATCH THIS!" The Dark Archon flew between them and burst open the locked doors. There, he saw the Narrator's Organ, and a random tern entruseted with operating it while the Mayor was away. Its screens showed various things on the battleground, as well as Darktan at his vantage point. The wraith's eyes metaphorically grew to the size of dinner plates. He had found the secret! An all-seeing console! The Archon exited the room and flew down from the clouds. Darktan turned as his minion entered. "Did you find anything?" The Archon nodded feverishly. "Tell me EVERYTHING." The Archon nodded. He held up one claw. "Charades?! I have no time for this! Oh, never mind... okay... first word." The Dark Archon pointed up. "Clouds?" The Archon nodded. He held up two claws. "Second word." The wraith imitated an arctic tern. "Airplanes?" The archon shook its head. He continued flapping. "Missles? Aircraft? Space shuttle? Come on, do something else!" The Dark Archon slapped his claw against his face. He formed a cloud of auras into the rough shape of a top hat. He placed it on his head and started strutting around. "Will Whitefoot?" He shook his head. The Archon started flapping his arms again, while strutting around. "OH! Mayor McFlapp! What about him?" Still wearing the top hat, the Archon held out his claws and imitated playing a keyboard. "Mayor McFlapp plays the piano?" The wraith shook its head. He grabbed a nearby book and started playing the keyboard on it. "Mayor McFlapp plays on books like a piano?" The Dark Archon slapped his claw against his face once more. He pointed to Darktan and floated above him, playing the keyboard once more. "He plays the keyboard... on me?" The Dark Archon nodded. He then shot auras at Darktan, making him dance like Cadence for a few seconds, before Darktan borke free. "AAAGH! You insolent... Why did you do THAT?!" The Archon continued chrading. He played the keyboard and pointed to Darktan. "Wait, the keyboard, it's controlling me?" The Archon nodded. He then imiatated banging the keyboard like in a horror movie. "He plays an organ? Mayor McFlapp plays an organ that controls me?" The wraith nodded feverishly. "How can that be?" The Dark Archon shrugged. He pointed up. "It's in the sky?" The Archon clapped in celebration. "So, Mayor McFlapp has an organ, in the sky, that controls me? Where is it?!" The Dark Archon pointed in the direction he flew off. Darktan subsequently fired an aura beam in that direction. The beam barely missed the Organ. It knocked it over and tore a hole in the Mayor's office. The beam continued into space, where it damaged a satillite. A NASA controller shivered. "The Chandra X-Ray observatory is now offline..." Screams were heard in the background.