| - Hyperspace
- Only elder pyre logs can be used to cremate tortured souls. To burn the Tortured soul, first place the pyre logs on a funeral pyre, followed by the soul, then ignite the pyre. This will grant the player 550 Firemaking experience and 126 Prayer experience. This experience is increased by 50% if wearing Morytania legs 3 or Morytania legs 4.
- In combat, he has Electrified, Jailer and Nightmarish affixes.
- Only elder pyre logs can be used to cremate tortured souls. To burn the Tortured soul, first place the pyre logs on a funeral pyre, followed by the soul, then ignite the pyre. This requires 95 Firemaking and will grant the player 550 Firemaking experience and 126 Prayer experience. This experience is increased by 50% if wearing Morytania legs 3 or Morytania legs 4.
- Tortured Soul is the first episode of Don't Be Afraid (TV series) of the first season. It premiered on October 6, 2008.
- Tortured souls are level 59 monsters found in north-eastern Morytania, near the Ectofuntus outside of the entrance to Port Phasmatys. They count as ghosts for slayer tasks. They are vulnerable to Crumble Undead. It is possible to safe-spot them by hiding behind plants and fences. When killed, they will yell out phrases such as "You cannot kill the undead, mortal!", "I will return, mortal!" or "Your soul will be forfeit for this, mortal!".
- Tortured soul is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series.
- Tortured soul, eli piinatut sielut aaveita, joita voit löytää Ectofuntuksesta pohjoiseen ja länteen Port Phasmatyksesta, kaupunkien muurien ulkopuolelta. Ne sanovat jotain, kuten: "You cannot defeat undead, mortal!", eli "Et voi tuhota epäkuollutta, kuolevainen!", ironisesti, kun pelaaja tappaa ne. Niitä käyttävät korkean tason lahtaajat, kummitusten sijaan, kun ne saavat tehtäväksi tuhota kummituksia Turaelilta, siitä asti, kun päivitys teki mahdottomaksi tuhota kummituksia Melzars Mazessa. Koska ne ovat epäkuolleita, Salve amulet on tehokas niitä vastaan.