| - Pegasusmon is the Armor Digivolved form of Patamon through the Digi-Egg of Hope. He is called Pegasmon in Japan. His title is Flying Hope or Galloping Hope.
* Star Shower (Shooting Star): Shoots a cluster of stars from his wings.
* Equus Beam (Silver Blaze): Shoots a green beam from his forehead.
* Mane Wind (Needle Rain): Blasts a shower of needles from his mane
- Pegasusmon is an Animal Digimon.
* Star Shower (Shooting Star): Shoots a cluster of stars from its wings.
* Equus Beam (Silver Blaze): Shoots a green beam from its forehead.
* Mane Wind (Needle Rain): Blasts a shower of needles from its mane.
* Golden Noose (Sanctuary Bind): A unison attack with Nefertimon; binds enemies with a rope of nigh unbreakable golden light. __TOC__
- Pegasusmon (japanisch: Pegasmon) sind Heilige Tierdigimon mit vergoldeten Flügeln und Hufen, die einen Pegasus darstellen. Mit ihrer heiligen Energie kämpfen sie stets gegen das Böse.
- Pegasusmon - Strahl der Hoffnung Pegasusmons Digitationen: Poyomon - Tokomon - Patamon - Pegasusmon (Armor) - Angemon - Shakkoumon (Fusion) - Magnaangemon - Seraphimon
- With the Digimon Emperor’s Control Spires blocking normal Digivolution, Patamon was left unable to become Angemon. When the new DigiDestined were battling with a group of Tyrannomon under the Emperor’s control, T.K., Patamon, Kari and Gatomon fled the battlefield, and came across a cave, where they found the Digi-Eggs of Hope and Light. Patamon and Gatomon became Pegasusmon and Nefertimon, and defeated the Tyrannomon. Pegasusmon first appears in “A New Digitude.” His voice is supplied by Dave Mallow. In “A Million Points of Light,” his tag line is mistakenly changed to “Galloping Hope.”