The All Terrain Open Transport (AT-OT) was an eight-legged walker designed for the transportation of infantry used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. It was deployed during Battle of Felucia towards the end of the war.
The All Terrain Open Transport (AT-OT) was an eight-legged walker designed for the transportation of infantry used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. It was deployed during Battle of Felucia towards the end of the war.
De AT-OT (All Terrain Open Transport) was een Walker die door de Galactic Republic werd gebruikt tijdens de Clone Wars.
left|thumb|250px|AT-OT -talsijan sivunäkymä. Panssaroituna armeijan kuluneuvona AT-OT talsija erosi muista Kuat Drive Yardsin talsijoista siinä, että sitä ei varsinaisesti oltu kehitetty taistelua varten. Sen sijaan sitä käytettiin joukkojen kuljetukseen omien linjojen takana tai lastinkuljettajana.
As an armored vehicle, the AT-OT differed from the other walkers in Kuat Drive Yards's AT-series, as it was not designed for combat. Instead, it was used to reinforce armies behind friendly lines as a cargo walker.
Questo camminatore scoperto fu usato dal Grand'Esercito della Repubblica per trasportare le truppe con spostamenti terrestri; l'AT-OT era dotato di una spessa corazza e di due cannoni laser anteriori oltre che di una coppia di cannoni di coda a difesa, anche se non poteva difendersi da attacchi dall'alto.