| - Hey. Arti, here, your lovable derpy head admin. As you probably know, I'm leaving in a few months. There will be a blog, but I think this is a good way to start saying good bye as well. Warriors was something I lived and breathed for a while, so I can't think of a better way to tell you all how much you mean to me.
- Goodbye is the final episode of Season 15, and the final episode of the SpongeBob SquarePants series. It aired on July 14, 2019. In this episode, SpongeBob finally feels he is no longer needed in Bikini Bottom, and plans to move away to the Atlantic Ocean. However, every person SpongeBob ever encountered stopped him from doing so. This did not, however, stop SpongeBob's ultimate fate: death. The series was cancelled because of Nickelodeon's lack of funds. Even though a total of $1,000,000 was donated worldwide, the series was eventually finished.
- Goodbye is the third track from the album The Harsh Light of Day.
- Goodbye is a song preformed by The Girls With Glasses in The Final Concert.
- "Goodbye" is the final track on The Art of the Genocide EP, consisting of Moon Man saying his goodbyes while "Celebration" by Kool & The Gang plays in the background.
- Goodbye is the second episode of the sixth season and the 104th overall episode of Grey's Anatomy.
- Album Released Format Recorded Length Label Writers Producer Previous Next Goodbye is a Korean pop song by Girls' Generation and is the second track in the Mr.Mr. album.
- Name: Goodbye Run Time: 4:35 Written By: Peter Banks, Sydney Foxx Year: 1996
- Säveltäjä: Reino Markkula Sanoittaja: Sauvo Puhtila Esittäjä: Marion Rung Marion Rung oli yksi Yleisradion kutsumista solisteista vuoden 1967 euroviisukarsinnoissamme. Hän esitti kaksi laulua Goodbye ja Kesän laulu , jotka sijoittuivat sijoille 7 ja 8 eli viimeisiksi. Kappaleet on kuitenkin levytetty Scandia-levymerkillä (KS682) ja ne löytyvät saman singlen kääntöpuolilta. Laulut ovat mukana myös Warner Musicin vuonna 2011 julkaistulla Marionin kokoelma-cd:llä "30 Suosikkia". Joissakin yhteyksissä kappaleen nimi on kirjoitettu muodossa "Good bye". Luokka:Kappaleet
- Goodbye is the first two-part episode of Season 2 of 8 Simple Rules.
- GoodBye is a fanfiction written and published on FanFiction.Net by Shuggie.
- Come on over Come unglued It's not easy to see all of you Help yourselves Help is on the way Well, there's nothing to lose, so now I have something to say Maybe we can all recognize a moment of silence Maybe we can finally agree on the same point of view A long time ago we believed, and we were united So the last thing on Earth I am ready to do is say "goodbye."
- Phineas: Thanks for coming to see our show, Isabella, Candace and Vanessa. Sad to tell you we got to go. Doofenshmirtz: Get your friends and get off that couch
* Baljeet, Buford, Django, and Irving: In case you didn't notice, there ain't any more!
* Fireside girls: If you like our show tell ev'ryone but...
* The Phinettes: If you think it stinks, keep your big mouth shut!
* Eveyone who appeared on the show: We're glad you came, but we have to shout Adios, au revoir, wiedersehen, ta-ta-ta Goodbye...get lost...get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!