| - Dogfight is a fifteenth level in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4.
- Name: Dogfight Run Time: 5:36 Year: 2006
- A wild, wicked street fighter of the skyways. Never met a Decepticon he didn't want to destroy immediately. Likes to go nosecone-to-nosecone with his opponents in a "dance of doom" as he puts it. Equipped with rear-mounted fusion-powered blowtorch blasters in jet and robot Modes. Also armed with serrated wingtips that cut through solid steel.
- Dogfight is a game. Posted: 10th September, 2006 Summary: Quirky controls ahoy! shout to go up, be quiet to go down. Made by Neil Houlden. Sound by Weebl.
- Dogfights is one of the several enemies encountered in FNaF World.
- Dogfights are purple planes with eyes. They can be seen as biplanes.
- A dogfight, or dog fight, is a form of engagement between fighter aircraft; in particular, combat of maneuver at short range, where each side is aware of the other's presence. Dogfighting first appeared during World War I, shortly after the invention of the airplane. Until at least 1992, it was a component in every major war, despite beliefs after World War II that increasingly greater speeds and longer range weapons would make dogfighting obsolete. Modern terminology for air-to-air combat is air combat maneuvering (ACM), which refers to tactical situations requiring the use of individual basic fighter maneuvers (BFM) to attack or evade one or more opponents. This differs from aerial warfare, which deals with the strategy involved in planning and executing various missions.
- Dogfight is a game in Arena 39. It is also part of Mission 0: Agent Training on The 39 Clues Website. There are 10 missions in dogfight. Each mission involves fighting different and more powerful opponents. The opponents consist of enemy planes, enemy flying aces, anti-aircraft guns, bombers, and a zeppelin in the last level.
- Dogfights are a type of enemy in FNaF World found in Pinwheel Circus. They resemble purple fighter airplanes. Dogfights are purple colored biplanes that have blue eyes which look like goggles. They have a silver colored propeller and a red center. They also have 2 small wheels that would probably be used for landing. Dogfights randomly attack the player in Pinwheel Circus. When fighting, they will sometimes use Waterhose instead of their basic attack. Dogfight is an enemy in FNaF World. They only appear in Pinwheel Circus. It is advised that you have a strong party when you fight these enemies.
- The skies are unsafe for aviation when Dogfight is in the air. He terrorizes friend and foe alike. Not one to take chances, he buzzes even non-military commercial aircraft just to make sure that they keep their distance from him. This wild, wicked sky-flying street fighter likes to go nosecone to nosecone with his opponents in what he calls "a dance of doom." He generally doesn't begin to fire until he's close enough to count the rivets in their fuselage. Sometimes he'll even partially transform to his robot mode in mid-air so he can punch it out with an enemy aircraft. It doesn't take much to get his fuel flowing - he'll fly into action against a flock of pigeons if they accidentally interfere with his radar. Optimus Prime has tried to calm Dogfight down by instructing him in mechano-medi
- Dogfight is tough, unflinching, and extremely aggressive. He is a skilled air warrior, and with grim humor will refer to a hard-fought aerial combat as a "dance of doom". Violent-tempered and easily provoked, he is extremely protective of his personal airspace, and will readily attack any who approach him with unclear intentions. French name (Canada): Batailleur