| - Born in 2254 to Lou and Hannah Foster in an old sewer substation converted into a small village for the Shit Crawlers Tribe, Weston lived in the old sewer substation for most of his infant life. Blessed by the local Shit Crawler shaman under the sign of the Fat Rat, Weston (or at least according to the Shit Crawler's lore) was destined to lead a bountiful life and be a good member of the Shit Crawlers community. That was later proven to be false. As Weston grew from an infant to a child, he began learning the various skills needed to survive inside the sewer and metro systems the Shit Crawlers called home. At first, he was sent on simple hunting parties with other children his age in order to supplement the food that the rest of the hunters originally found during there own hunting parties. He also began to learn the rudimentary system of maps that the Shit Crawlers used in order to navigate through the sewers. Weston also, along with the other children his age, was taught the various laws of the Shit Crawlers. Weston, unlike most of the 'Little Shits' or Shit Crawler children, took little interest in the laws that had existed from long since he was born. Most of the time, he simply sat in he corner and slept or tried to goof off before getting a stern smacking from the shaman instructing the children. As Weston grew into a teenager, his responsibility's within the Shit Crawlers grew. Instead of just hunting small game, such as rats and rad roaches with his peers, Weston began hunting some of the larger animals that haunted the metro and sewer system the Shit Crawlers called there own. Weston, much like during his childhood, was an average hunter. He didn't really distinguish himself by personally killing one of the larger animals or by returning with various scavenge foods by himself. As such, he had to resort to other means in order to increase his social status within the tribe. Mostly Weston just resorted to bullying some of the hunters below them and sucking up to the hunter above him. This worked out for length of time, until Weston started bullying the child of a shaman. Needless to say, he was taken down a notch when he was summoned to the shaman's 'church' and the child he was bullying was there. As such, Weston instead started sucking up to him in order to climb up the tribes social ladder. As time went on and Weston's bullying tactics continued, Weston found himself at the comfortable position as a guard for the Chief. Since the Chief lived so far down the sewer tunnels that they called home, Weston never had to worry about being swarmed by the odd molerat pack that had entered there metro tunnels or worry about getting shot by a wandering scavenger. Simply just sitting outside of the Chief's small sleeping quarters, a small maintenance room with a mattress placed in the corner for the Chief, Weston begin forcing people to slid him a little extra if they wanted to see the chief. At first, it was small things such as a open spot next to that person's fire or perhaps a promise of that they will repair his shoes or something similar. At first, most people were compliant due to the fact that the favors were so small and that he did guard the doorway between them and the Chief. However Weston became greedy, extorting people for scraps of food or other luxuries such as pre-war clothes. Weston bullied most of the people into remaining quiet if only because then Weston would most likely retaliate. Still, one person managed to inform the chief about which lead to Weston's exile out of the relative safety of the sewers and out to the outside world.