| - oh man are you guys okay
i'll post a hint when i get to work if you guys are still struggling with it
keep in mind a puzzle can only be as crafty as the puzzlemaker
- Hey Gaians! Happy 2/21/13!!
If you're thinking, "What the heck? Why are you wishing me a happy random Thursday?" you'd be right to be confused!! We're just celebrating because today's date looks like 221B, the flat number of the famous fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes! If you know me, you'll know I'm a somewhat casual fan
Brits already celebrated this day in January , but because Gaia's located in the US and Americans just have to be special, our date format is different from the entire rest of the world. SO WE'RE DOING IT TODAY I GUESS. We added some new deducin' hats to H.R. Wesley to celebrate. Pop one on and you might notice something...
You might find this useful:
-There are 22 letters and 16 sets of numbers. Make sure you are using the right set because I noticed some people are working with incorrect sets.
-Yes, there are 16 characters in the grant link.
-You've solved this kind of puzzle before. It just has extra steps.
-Solve the letters, then the numbers, then the letters.
omg c'mon u can do it