| - Cameo(カメオKameo) is a minor antagonist featured in Stardust Crusaders.
- Cameo is a villain from the third arc of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders.
- The inventor of the cameo is Alfred Hitchcock (Latin: Alfredus Hichococcus). He invented the cameo because he was of the opinion that all directors should have an opportunity to be in their own movies. Soon, actors who had vendettas against certain others in Hollywood decuded that they would include themselves and their ugly mugs.
- Cameo is a type of baseball card. In a Cameo card, a star player is shown on the card but is not the primary player on the card. Typically Player Collectors try to collect the Cameo cards of the player as well. Typical checklists do not capture the cameos. Example: 2012 Topps Base 289 shows Derek Jeter as a baserunner but the primary player on the card is Casey Kotchman.
- Cameo was one of the original Obernewtyn Misfits.
- Cameos are featured in the Scream films.
- Cameo is a method of carving, or an object such as an engraved gem, item of jewellery or vessel made in this manner. It nearly always features a raised (positive) relief image; contrast with intaglio, which has a negative image. Originally, and still in discussing historical work, cameo only referred to works where the relief image was of a contrasting colour to the background; this was achieved by carefully carving a piece of material with a flat plane where two contrasting colours met, removing all the first colour except for the image to leave a contrasting background. : camafeo
- The Animal Crossing series features in a number of Nintendo games, making cameo appearances in games such as Super Smash Bros. Brawl and WarioWare: Smooth Moves.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Cameo]] cammeo.
- Un cameo es la aparición de una persona o un material conocido en una película, en una serie de televisión o en cualquier medio, sin que se refleje en los créditos de la misma, ni se cobre por ello. Normalmente son apariciones cortas y sin importancia para la trama.
- Cameo es un personaje de The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Nació en la Isla Taura y ha vivido ahí toda su vida.
- Cameo is a fictional character from the Wild Cards series of books.
- Un cameo es la aparición de un personaje o una referencia a este conocido en una película, en una serie de televisión o en cualquier medio, sin que se cobre por ello, con o sin créditos. Normalmente son apariciones cortas en una, dos o tres escenas y con o sin importancia para la trama.
- Cameo is a special one-hour episode of Phineas and Ferb which involves numerous cameo appearances from live action and animated celebrities.
- Cameo was an agent in the Department of Floaters. She is written by Neshomeh, though Neshomeh doesn't like admitting it.
- In 1893, a Devidian posing as a Human woman appeared to wear a cameo pinned to her collar. (TNG: "Time's Arrow" )
- A cameo is a very rare random event of no consequence which is coded into a game. For example, from a version of Colossal Cave Adventure: "From the darkness nearby comes the sound of shuffling feet. As you turn towards the sound, a nine-foot cyclops ambles into the light of your lamp. The cyclops is dressed in a three-piece suit of worsted wool, and is wearing a black silk top-hat and cowboy boots and is carrying an ebony walking-stick. It catches sight of you and stops, seeming frozen in its tracks, with its bloodshot eye bulging in amazement and its fang-filled jaw drooping with shock. After staring at you in incredulous disbelief for a few moments, it reaches into the pocket of its vest and pulls out a small plastic bag filled with a leafy green substance, and examines it carefully. "It