Modeus was one of the two apprentices of the Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda. He is also the twin brother of Baul. He was entrusted with the will of Sparda prior to his master's revolt in the Demon World.
Modeus fue uno de los dos aprendices del Legendario Caballero Oscuro, Sparda. También es el hermano gemelo de Baul. Él fue encomendado con la voluntad de Sparda antes de la revuelta de su maestro en el Mundo de los Demonios.
Modeus was one of the two apprentices of the Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda. He is also the twin brother of Baul. He was entrusted with the will of Sparda prior to his master's revolt in the Demon World.
Modeus fue uno de los dos aprendices del Legendario Caballero Oscuro, Sparda. También es el hermano gemelo de Baul. Él fue encomendado con la voluntad de Sparda antes de la revuelta de su maestro en el Mundo de los Demonios.
Modeus was one of the two apprentices of the Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda. He is also the twin brother of Baul. He was entrusted with the will of Sparda prior to his master's revolt in the Demon World.