| - Murder Mystery is one of the most unique quests in RuneScape, because the outcome of the quest is random, so there is a reasonable amount of detective work you have to do on your own. However, there are plenty of clues to be found as to who the culprit is.
- Murder Mystery on tehtävä P2P-RuneScapessa.
- Murder Mystery is a side mission in the enhanced version of Grand Theft Auto V. The mission is exclusive to players who have previously played the Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 version of GTA V, and can only be completed by Michael De Santa.
- Start: Snakk til ein av vaktene i Sinclair Mansion,nord for Seers' Village Vansklighetsgrad: Lett Lengde: Kort Kun for members: Ja Krav: En smart detektivhjerne Gjenstander du trenger: En pot Monstere å drepe: Ingen
- Murder Mystery is, as the title suggests, a murder mystery. The skit was never actually titled, so this one is a filler. It was filmed on Halloween one year. A bunch of Wazoo members got together and went out for the holiday. When they got back to Jamie O'Connell's house, they decided they wanted to make a skit. Some argued that it couldn't be done with such a large cast, but they tried anyways.
- Mondd az őrnek, hogy segítesz megtalálni a bűnöst, aztán szerezd meg a következő cuccokat: 1.
* 7db Légypapír-flypaper (a háztól észak-nyugatra a kertész kunyhójában, keress valamelyik zsákban.) 2.
* Pungent pot (Abban a szobában ahol a gyilkosság történt, az asztalon láthatod.) 3.
* Criminal’s dagger (Ugyanott ahol a pungent pot csak a földön.) 4.
* Anna’s silver necklace (Egy hordóban a délnyugati szobában.) 5.
* Bob’s silver teacup (Az első emelet közép-nyugati részében egy hordóban.) 6.
* Elizabeth's silver needle ( A második szinten az észak-keleti szobában, egy hordóban.) 7.
* Frank’s silver pot (Elizabeth szobája alatti szobában a hordóban.) 8.
* David's silver book (A második szinten a közép-nyugati szobában, egy hordóban.) 9.
* Carol's si
- De bewaker bij Sinclair Mansion vertelt je dat Lord Sinclair is vermoord. De guards zijn ten einde raad en hebben geen idee wie het gedaan kan hebben. Zeg dat je wil helpen. De bewaker wil dat je rond gaat kijken naar sporen. Praat met Bob. Je kunt hem bij de fontein vinden. Vraag wie volgens hem de moordenaar is. Hij vertelt je over een "Poison Salesman", die richting Seers' Village is gegaan. Pak nu de "criminals dagger" en de "pungent pot" op uit het kleine studeerkamertje in het oosten van het huis. Doorzoek ook het gebroken raam. Je zult een stukje draad vinden.
- First, talk to the guard by the fence. Enter the mansion and walk to the room in the east, where a dagger lies on the ground. Take the Silver dagger and the Murder Scene pot, then investigate the window to get a thread. Take note of the dog outside and search the gate for your second piece of evidence. Now; search the barrels found in most bedrooms. There are 2 barrels downstairs, and 4 barrels upstairs. If you've looked in each barrel, you should have these items:
- Enter the mansion and search the murder scene in the north-eastern section. Inside will be a pungent pot which you should collect, along with the criminal's dagger. Investigate the smashed window to find the criminal's thread. Outside, you must investigate the wooden gate, noting that the dog barks at anyone unfamiliar. Then, go around to the various bedrooms belonging to the suspects to find a number of silver items, all contained within barrels in each room. Look for: There are four rooms upstairs and two on the ground floor.
- Enter the mansion and search the murder scene in the north-eastern section. Inside will be a pungent pot which you should collect, along with the criminal's dagger. Investigate the smashed window to find the criminal's thread. Outside, you must investigate the wooden gate, noting that the dog barks at anyone unfamiliar. Then, go around to the various bedrooms belonging to the suspects to find a number of silver items, all contained within barrels in each room. Look for: