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- The Assault class is the most used class in the game and for good reason. They have access to the largest amount of weapons including assault rifles, a few machine guns, the Winchester, and grenades. They are the preferred class for Close Quarters Combat and Urban Ops.
- The assault class is the standard infantry rifleman. He carries the M16A2 weapons system, and has the option of attaching the M203 grenade launcher. The assault soldier is dressed in a medium level of body armor.
- Assault is the main battle mode for space combat in Star Wars: Battlefront II and Star Wars: Battlefront: Renegade Squadron.
- Assault es el cuadragésimo séptimo tema del OST. Categoría:Resident Evil Zero OST Categoría:Soundtrack
- Assault (ASL) is battle mode, exclusive to the Happy New Year! map. The mode combines two of the existing modes: Capture The Flag and Control Points. In the battle list in the lobby, the mode's filter icon is marked with a chistmas tree.
- Assault - (ang. Szturm) drużynowy tryb gry obecny w Unreal Tournament i UT2004, rozgrywany na mapach ze specjalnie zaprojektowanymi celami do zaliczenia. Jest całkowicie liniowy - wykonanie jednego celu wymusza wykonanie kolejnego aż do zaliczenia planszy.
- Assault is a passive skill which increases Attack by +5% for each tile travelled between the last cessation of movement, and making a melee attack. The bonus is reduced proportionally to the differential between total attack and defense of the target, and removed entirely by coming to a halt.
- Assault is the main battle mode for space combat in the Battlefront Series. There is also a mode on Mos Eisley called "Assault", but it is quite a bit different as it is based on the ground. In an assault battle, each team has an arsenal of spaceships at their disposal. To win, you must reach a given amount of points, shown in the top-center of the screen. When a team reaches its point goal, it wins. An easier way to obtain points than killing enemy ships or blowing up their mother ship parts from the outside is to land in the enemy's hangar and go into their hull, using the pilot's time bombs to blow up their Auto-Defense Mainframe, Shield Generators, Engine Cooling Tanks, and Life Support Systems.
- Assault is the simplest of all game modes in EndWar . Rather than focusing on capturing uplinks or strategic points, the object is to simply eliminate all hostiles. Therefore the battle isn't necessarily concentrated around a certain point on the map, but it is up to the players to decide where and how the battle will be fought. At the start of the match, each player can deploy up to 8 units. The battle therefore gets underway relatively quickly, with both sides able to attack each other at the onset.
- Damage the target, Swap Places with them, and turns them to face the caster.
- Assault is the twenty-eighth episode of Cybertron. It first aired in the United States on March 18, 2006 on Cartoon Network.
- Assault (cs_assault) is an official Hostage rescue map in Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies.
- Assault is a Bravery deck specific effect card. When used it gets a random monster that costs 3 gold or less (not just from the deck ) and puts it in your hand. This can include cards like Napstablook and Temmie, as well as summoned cards like Dog Residue and Doodlebog. Though the monetary gain for a card may be minimal (1 gold saved max) it can be useful to draw out cheaper monsters earlier on even if you don't have them in your deck yourself. Soul Type: Bravery Cost: 2 Ability: Put a random monster (cost 3 gold or less) from your deck into your hand. Rarity: White (Common)
- Assault (アサルト, Asaruto) is a staff and a weapon skill introduced in Fire Emblem Heroes. It is the most basic staff which has the highest Might but bears no effect.
- Assault is the 38th episode of Galaxy force
- Assault is the third level in Halo The Covenant.
- Czar bazujacy na wietrze (agility)
- Assault is a multiplayer game-type in the Halo trilogy, where one team attempts to deliver a flag or a to the enemy base.
- Assault is a song from Xenosaga Episode II. It is track on the Xenosaga Episode II Original Soundtrack, having been composed by Yuki Kajiura.
- Assault is a track in the Biohazard 0 Best Track Collection, an album only sold as part of the biohazard SOUND CHRONICLE.
- Assault oder auch Angriff ist eine Geiselszenario-Karte aus Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Source und Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Der Hauptteil der Karte spielt sich in einer Lagerhalle in einer US-amerikanischen Großstadt ab, in der die Geiseln von den verschanzten Terroristen festgehalten werden.
- Der Assault ist für viele wichtigste Charakter in Warrock. Mit vielen verschiedenen und sehr effektiven MG's,die nur mit einem PremiumAccount erworben werden können, ist er die Bodeneinheit, die den Kampf meistens für sich entscheidet. Jedoch ist er auf Medics, Engeneers und Heavy Trooper angewiesen, die ihn unterstützen müssen, sonst hat er vorallem in Urban Ops und Battle Group kaum eine Chance.
- "Assault" is the thirteenth chapter in the comic book series Arrow: Season 2.5, and the thirteenth chapter in the Blood arc. It also included the first chapter in the finale of the Suicide Squad: Crisis in Kahndaq arc. It was released digitally and in print on February 16, 2015.
- [[Category: DP skills]] Used by , deals damage on nearby targets and stuns them.
- amk ınsan bısey yazar :D
- Assault is an Alliance War skill line in The Elder Scrolls Online.
- Assault (暴行, Bōkō) is the eleventh episode of the Death Note anime series.
- In Assault (aka Capture) maps, two teams battle over control of the map, one team on offense, the other on defense. The attackers' goal is to capture both control points (one at a time), while the defenders must maintain control over at least one of them until time runs out.
- Assault (cs_assault) es un mapa oficial de Rescate de rehenes. Es un mapa oficial de Counter-Strike 1.6. También está incluido en Counter-Strike: Condition Zero y Counter-Strike: Source, al igual que otros mapas del Counter-Strike 1.6.
- Assault is the ninth chapter of the game Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel.
- An Assault is a fight to the death, no uplinks, no buildings destroyed, the only way to win is kill all other units. It is still possible to capture and upgrade uplinks to have supports such as airstrikes.
- Assault is the fifthteenth episode of the fifth series of Shameless.
- Assault (cs_assault) is a hostage rescue map featured in Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Source, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
- Assault is a playstyle featured in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist. This playstyle favors open combat and assault-based tactics to take out enemies, setting the environment up as a battlefield zone. Players are given the least amount of points when they choose the Assault playstyle compared to the Panther and Ghost playstyles.
- Specialized on melee damageThis offensive ship type causes lethal damage using its cannons or shocking horns. With its maximized clashing attack power, this multi-functional ship can either attack with its cannons or crush right into the enemy. Swiftly changing its position, the agile Assault Ship is the most flexible ship.
- [Źródło] AssaultAssault – droid bojowy B2 uratowany ze złomu przez Czerwonego Rycerza.
- Assault 3.0 was a heavily modified Ack!MUD, developed by Amnon Kruvi. Assault combined classic rogue-like, modern RTS and MUD to create a futuristic science fiction game where you could build, use technically sophisticated vehicles and deploy robotic cannons. Weapons found in the game ranged from auto-cannons to laser guns and most of the interaction took place on a 2D map drawn in ANSI color with ASCII characters. After the game shut down, the developer released the source code to one of the players, who then made it available online (with permission) here.
- Assault is a very powerful ability regardless of weapon, but it is especially potent with a two-handed weapon or when dual-wielding. It can deal over 20,000 total damage over 4 hits when using high-level equipment and boosts. When used while Berserk is active, the damage of this ability doubles and can exceed 40,000, potentially posing a major hazard to any player or boss. Assault takes 5.4 seconds (or 9 ticks) to fully execute
- Assault Mission is a special Sabotage mission variant that takes place exclusively on the Kuva Fortress. This mission type is limited to one tileset, that will be accessible only after completing The War Within quest.
- Assault - Tier Three talent in Roland's Infantry tree. Each point increases magazine size and reduces recoil with combat rifles.
- The Assault kit is featured in every major installment in the Battlefield Series. The weapons utilized by the kit varies from each game, but as a general rule, it includes an automatic rifle or squad support weapon, as well as the other equipment that is afforded all kits. Prior to Battlefield 2, the assault kit lacked any special functions or abilities.
- Primary Weapon: Shotgun Secondary: Multishot Boost Maneuver: Flip 180° Unlock Requirements: Medic Level 16
- Assault is an ability that causes Energy Damage to a target.
- The Assault class is a class type in Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad.
- Assault is a PvP-centric guild. Our goal is simple... gear up for Territorial Warfare, and PvP. Our not so simple goal? Become rich as Bill fucking Gates doing that shit. Damn, thats pretty simple too.
- From the official website: This heavy weapons specialist is clad in the thickest armour available, allowing for a sustained presence on the open battlefield while laying down a withering barrage of explosive firepower. The tallest class in-game.
- The objective for an attacker is to complete all the missions before the time runs out. The attacker may have to turn switches, destroy doors and escape the battlefield. The round ends when the attackers complete all missions, or when the time runs out. The faster attackers win the round, the less time the attackers will have to defend next round.
- Assault is a stage in Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault. It is the third stage in the online multiplayer mode, where you and your Grungarian forces attack the enemy base while defending your own base from the opponent's attack.
- At common law, assault is the tort of intentionally and voluntarily causing someone to experience reasonable apprehension of an immediate harmful or offensive contact.
- Assault is an annual pay-per-view held by the Romanian E-Fed WRM in February.The tag-line for this event is : "We only part to meet again" .
- The Assaults, like their name, are the grunts. They pack light enough to move around, but still pack heavy enough to do some major damage. One of the most notable feature of the Assaults are their high amount of thrown explosives, making them well-used for Red Team in Assault Mode when the Zones are elevated and are crowded with Campers.
- Assault is a term that covers two related concepts in tort law and criminal law. In tort law, assault is the tort of physically threatening bodily harm against another individual through any means. There is no need to actually make physical contact, which is the seperate tort of battery. In addition, the tort is only actionable if actual damages are suffered. This is rare, but possible. The minimum damage is psychological harm, but a tortfeasor in assault is also responsible for any likely injury that results from the assault. For example, if the victim trips and falls while running away from a person brandishing a weapon, the tortfeasor is responsible for the resulting damages as this is a foreseeable consequence of the tortfeasor's actions.
- The aim of this mode depends on which team you are playing on. If on the red, or attacking, team, your aim is to progress through the level and complete set objectives within a certain time limit. If on the defending blue team, your aim is to stop the attackers from completing their objectives and to hold them back until the time limit has elapsed. This mode was only featured on a few maps on each of the two games and in TimeSplitters 2 human players could only play on the red team and could therefore not defend.
- The crime of assault was the act of making physical contact with someone in order to injure or incapacitate them. According to Commander Collins, as of 2154, assaults against aliens on Earth were considered to be rare. (ENT: "Affliction") Hikaru Sulu and James Kirk each assaulted officers of Federation Security while removing Leonard McCoy from a prison. They were charged by the Federation Council with those acts shortly afterward, but those were summarily dismissed by the President of the Federation. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
- The Assault ability is an infantry offensive ability which is available to Werhmacht players who choose the Blitzkrieg Doctrine. It costs 1 command point to access. Knights Cross Holders also have this ability even without acquiring it from the Blitzkrieg Doctrine. Upon activating Assault and selecting a target your infantry will get within range and throw a series of 2-4 grenades towards the enemy squad. each grenade will do damage, and temporarily hinder the enemy infantry with suppression. 3 grenades will usually take out about 3/5 of the enemy squad's health if the hits are solid.
- The skill can be started by speaking to Field Marshal Opendoor, at the Gendarmerie General Command centre in Witchaven. To start the skill, players need to complete a quest named "Backup!," which will feature an introduction and a "test raid" on a criminal residence. Similar to Dungeoneering, players can raid criminal hideouts in a party of five. Further information and help, along with the Ring of Elitance (similar to the Ring of Kinship, it forms raiding parties), can be received by speaking to the Sheriff, in the Command Centre. Every two levels of Assault gained will unlock one new criminal hideout which you can raid.