| - The Bulldog is a level 2 tank that is substantially stronger than the Stumpy; the unit has more powerful and longer ranged weapons than the level 1 tanks and has the armour to take twice as much punishment, meaning this unit is essential if engaging enemy towers or other advanced units. Its CORE counterpart is the Reaper.
- The Bulldog is an improvised pistol featured in The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
- Die Bulldog, in den Spieldateien auch MAUL genannt, ist eine halbautomatische Schrotflinte aus Call of thumb|Die BulldogDuty: Ghosts. Sie hat die höchste Feuerrate von allen Schrotflinten, jedoch auch den niedrigsten Schaden pro Kugel.
- The Bulldog was released in January 2007. It has a Lil'Kinz version, isn't retired, and was Pet of the Month in January 2009. Its special food is Bangers and Mash and special item a Fire Hydrant Fridge. There is also a Bulldog Kinz Klip. There is a Figurine version of this pet, called the Big Catch Bulldog.
- Existem muitos tipos de Bulldogs,como o Bulldog inglês o Bulldog francês,Bulldog campeiro,Bulldog americano e Bulldog brasileiro.[[Ficheiro:Campeiro.jpg|thumb|um Bulldog]] Categoria:Bulldogs Categoria:Molossos Categoria:Cães de guerra Categoria:Raças
- Bulldog – samochód osobowy, występujący w Grand Theft Auto I. Można go spotkać na terenie Liberty City i San Andreas. Bulldog posiada dość dobrą prędkość maksymalną i niezłą skrętność. W pierwszym scenariuszu gry (Gangsta Bang) jeden egzemplarz stoi pusty na ulicy naprzeciw protagonisty.
- El Bulldog es un personaje de Chespirito dentro del segmento El Chapulín Colorado. Ha aparecido también en Los Caquitos entre 1982 y 1984. Fue interpretado por Raúl "Chato" Padilla.
- A bulldog, originally known as bulldogging or a bulldogging headlock or the headlock jawbreaker is any move in which the wrestler grabs an opponent's head and jumps forward, so that the wrestler lands, often in a sitting position, and drives the opponent's face into the mat. This move plus some other variations are sometimes referred to as a facebuster.
- Obtained by re-vaulting the Poker Chips Collection in New York and can be bought from Marketplace . Bulldog may also be given as a Free Gift
- Bulldog is a story.
- Bulldog — австралийский дробовик из Call of Duty: Ghosts и Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
- Bulldog was initially an Easter egg in the RuneScape Knowledge Base. However, players can now have a bulldog as a pet due to the release of the Summoning skill. A bulldog previously was seen roaming the streets of Yanille with his guardian, the Yanille Pet shop owner, before the release of the skill.
- Cette Article est cours de construction. La Bulldog est un véhicule apparue dans Saints Row, Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third et Saints Row IV.
- The Bulldog is a vehicle in Grand Theft Auto 1.
- Le Bulldog est un fusil à pompe semi-automatique présent dans Call of Duty: Ghosts et Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. <default>Bulldog</default> <format> Bulldog</format> Dommages Catégorie Taille du chargeur Nombre de munition max Débloqué(e) Temps de rechargement Cadence de tir Portée Recul Pénétration Mode de tir Utilisé(e) par Coût ATH (icône) Nom de l'arme dans la console Son(s)
- La Bulldog [ˈbʊldɔːɡ] est un véhicule disponible dans Grand Theft Auto 1, dont des exemplaires (l'un argenté) interviennent au cours de deux missions à Liberty City.
- Reload Speed: Magazine Capacity: 20 Radius: Fuse time: Game[[]]Borderlands Special Part(s): mag2_Dahl_Bulldog The Bulldog is a legendary shotgun manufactured by Dahl. Examples are on the talk page.
- Een bulldog is een huisdier wat je voor 500 Coins kan kopen in de pet shop in Taverley. 1.
- A bulldog was a type of dog native to the planet Earth. In the year 2020, Alice Fontana owned a bulldog whom she named Gus. (TOS novel: The Rings of Time) The bulldog was known stereotypically as a tenacious breed with intense focus. These qualities were presumably why Morgan Bateson was sometimes referred to as "Bulldog" as a nickname. (TNG novel: Ship of the Line)
- Bulldog is the third episode of the fourth season. It first aired in the US on the Mr. Conductor's Thomas Tales episode Paint The Town Red in 1996.
- The T31 Bulldog is a weapon in Soldier of Fortune. It it shares the same ammo with the 9mm pistol, it fires very fast and makes very little noise, but it does less damage than the Raptor.
- de:Bulldog (1) es:Bulldog pl:Bulldog en:Bulldog fr:Bulldog Категория:Транспорт Категория:Транспорт в GTA 1
- Once the player character has tracked Banshee to Lubbock they will have to fight Bulldog at the airport. Banshee will escape during the fight.
- The Bulldog is a in Saints Row, Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV.Broken {{ref}} (youtube link) Broken {{ref}} (youtube link) Broken {{ref}} (youtube link)
- John Bradley, better known as Bulldog, used to be a drug dealer who operated in the Oakville Alley. He was an accomplice of Bart Williams and the killer of Dan Broke in The Dockyard Killer (Case #4 of Grimsborough).
- The history of the Bulldog is unknown at this time, other than that it is a GDI jeep (akin to the Humvee or the Pitbull) that is armed with a high-powered shotgun that, surprisingly, can even hit aircraft such as the Nod Venom.
- Kategoria:Do uzupełnienia Bulldog – półautomatyczna strzelba występująca w Call of Duty: Ghosts i Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
- Bulldog är en infödd hund från planeten Jorden. Enligt Major John Sheppard har Överste Miranda Torrance axlarna av en bulldog. (ATL: "Flipside")
- El Bulldog es un automóvil que aparece en Grand Theft Auto. Tiene una gran velocidad y manejo, pero tiene poca resistencia. El bulldog es el primer auto disponible para el jugador en Liberty City.
- thumb|250px|Eine echte SRSS Bulldog Die SRSS BullDog 762 Gen4 ist ein Bullpup Sturmgewehr, das 7,62 x 51 mm NATO Patronen vewendet. Das Innere ist nahezu identisch zu einer M14.
- The Bulldog is an animal available on FarmVille. It's a reward for collecting 20 File:Sturdy Doghouse Treat-icon.png Sturdy Doghouse Treats in Sturdy Doghouse.
- Bulldog (also known as Happy Wheels) is a worm that spreads in networks. It is written in Batch.
- Agent Bulldog is a member of the Department of Intelligence, Harry Potter Division. He was created by Architeuthis, but has since been more or less adopted by SeaTurtle. He returned from a mission circa 2003 HST thinking he was a house-elf (he is really a human, and six foot eight). However, he apparently recovered by 2006. He now serves as a mentor for new recruits to the Department of Intelligence. He currently has his hands full with Agent Harris, who is proving to be quite a disaster magnet.