| - The Shoppers can be found inside the North Point Mall. They often stand in groups of three or more. They are not violent. When the player attacks them, they usually run and do not retaliate. They do not appear in rampages, but may appear in Vigilante missions. Also, one of the male models can be seen as part of the Costa Rican gang in the mission The Fastest Boat. There are two types of Shoppers inside the North Point Mall, during the day, the shoppers are different from those found in the night, they are normal Pedestrians reunited as a gang of three people or more, up to six. They almost always will run if the player attacks them. The shoppers during the night are street criminals, who appear more as a real gang, will attack the player If he attacks them, and they even will attack the player If he has a weapon, although, they will run, If the player shoots at them. It is rare to find the two type of shoppers reunited at the same time, since the Shoppers during the day appear at the in-game hour, 05:00, and leave at 20:00, and the Street Criminals appear at 20:00 and leave at 05:00.