| - CLOSEUP. A card with "Get out of HELL - free card (A limited time offer; over for details)" written on it. HOTEL ROOM. Gaga is on the coach with her make up artist. GAGA: Touch up time! Hey Sonia! SONIA: Hi Gaga! GAGA: Guess how many hours we did of promo today? SONIA: Millions! GAGA: Six straight hours, Born This Way - Born To Slay. DRESSING ROOM. Footage from March 27, 2011 with Gaga wearing MULGER suit. GAGA: Maybe we should be more timeless, we should just wear classic black suits all the time or always nudity. That way, we are always on style when I do phoners or what do they call it? Liners. GUY: Right. Always be nude. GAGA: Always be nude. From now on, all television spots are going to be nude so I would always be timeless. (Gaga hiding her breasts with her hands) GAGA: Hello, this is Lady Gaga and you are watching Naked NRJ. OUTSIDE. GAGA: After 6 hours of promo and a small reboot. Sonia unpluged my USB stick but it's in my spine. And she just plug me into the wall and I go (snoring sound) and she unpluged me now and we are gonna do a show! CLOSEUP of a "Get out of HELL - free card (A limited time offer; over for details)" GAGA: So, this is what someone just gave me outside of my show. I said,"Hi, I'm Lady Gaga and they said,"What do I care?" And I was thinking to myself you obviously care a little bit because you chose my concert. EARLIER, OUTSIDE OF HONDA CENTER - MARCH 31, 2011. Text on screen: Fundamentalist protester at MonsterBall: Trust in Christ or end in hell! (Sign) GAGA: Hold on a second, slow down. GUY: He's a anti-... (Gaga is rolling down her car windows) GAGA: Hi! GIRL: Can I take a picture with you? GAGA: I'm Lady Gaga. FUNDAMENTALIST: So? GAGA: Well... hello! (The fundamentalist gave a "Get out of HELL - free card" to Gaga) FUNDAMENTALIST: That's gonna happen someday darling. GAGA: Well they better open the gate. FUNDAMENTALIST: I'm talking to you over here. GAGA: I'm listening. You know, we really believe in God at my show. FUNDAMENTALIST: Yah, well, your pervert ways don't equate to what God is about, darling. GAGA: My pervert ways? FUNDAMENTALIST: Yeah, you know... The homo stuff. GAGA: The homo stuff? FUNDAMENTALIST: Yah GAGA: Don't you think it's hurtful that, hum-- FUNDAMENTALIST: It's in, you know the black book, the gold edges, the little ribbon? GAGA: I went to Catholic school for thirteen years-- FUNDAMENTALIST: That's probably most of your problem. You got raised in a screwy religion. LATER IN THE CAR GAGA: What I'm trying to understand is: There's 3,000 people standing in my line and nobody's standing in your line. Who's going to hell? BACKSTAGE with Seventeen by Ladytron playing in the background. GAGA: But I think what is mostly confusing is why he printed out these things. (Reach out the card on her table) GAGA: It says "Get out of hell free card". If it's so easy to get out of hell, why don't we print out a bunch of these guys? *click click* Just makes me sad that my fans have to see but I know that's part of what I'm supposed to do. RED BACKGROUND, BLACK TEXT: If you have revolutionary potential, than you have a moral imperative to make the world a better place. BACKSTAGE GAGA: Oh, that alcohol. I'm getting drunk just by taking that make up off. [...] GAGA: We could just put a puncture in your boobs and the silicone will take it off. ASSISTANT: There you go. (Squeezing her assistant boobs) [...] BACKSTAGE with S.O.S. by ABBA. GAGA: Transmission Gagavision. TROY: Welcome back! GAGA: Hello this is Troy Carter. MAN: I've got something for you. (Gaga screams) MAN: Wait wait wait, like this! GAGA: Oh my god! We are going down! [...] GAGA: We are going to Google Little Monsters! Google goes Gaga. BLACK BACKGROUND, RED TEXT: Judas ✟ Rehearsal GAGA (Voice-over): So that conclude Gagavision 41. Judas is coming, let the cultural baptism begin. BLACK BACKGROUND, GREY TEXT: Judas April 19th. If they were not who you were taught that they would be, would you still believe?