| - While the bacteria alazhi could theoretically be grown anywhere, given the right conditions, kavam was secreted by the Vratix, and thus impossible to replicate perfectly without actual Vratix. However, some time after the Golden Empire acquired Harth Gool in 115 ABY, scientists with the Resource Council discovered that plants native to Harth Gool produced a chemical which, when mixed properly with alazhi, would create bacta. All such plants were immediately declared the property of the Royal government, though Rin Sakaros left the native Heshoos in charge of harvesting the newly named "pseudo-kavam" themselves or delegating that task to other companies.
| - While the bacteria alazhi could theoretically be grown anywhere, given the right conditions, kavam was secreted by the Vratix, and thus impossible to replicate perfectly without actual Vratix. However, some time after the Golden Empire acquired Harth Gool in 115 ABY, scientists with the Resource Council discovered that plants native to Harth Gool produced a chemical which, when mixed properly with alazhi, would create bacta. All such plants were immediately declared the property of the Royal government, though Rin Sakaros left the native Heshoos in charge of harvesting the newly named "pseudo-kavam" themselves or delegating that task to other companies. With the absorption of Vos Khamida into the Empire, along with its natural growth environment for alazhi, the Empire was at last able to manufacture its own bacta. Attempts to grow pseudo-kavam or the plants which produced it off Harth Gool were disastrous for decades, until the Empire finally experienced success on Tebrejj. Bacta made with pseudo-kavam was slightly less effective than Thyferran bacta, taking on average 8-10% longer for full healing. It could also leave those using it feels slightly drowsy and, like Thyferran bacta, there were rare cases of sentients being allergic to it. Nonetheless, it was still considered a medical miracle and was in high demand throughout the Empire, and was the second most effective healing agent in the galaxy, less so than traditional bacta but still better than kolto.