| - Iranian rice with beans and dill weed. This is one of the most amazing dishes I've ever eaten. Rich and savory!Ingredients
* 3 cups long-grain rice, well-rinsed
* 8 cups water
* salt
* ¼ cup melted margarine
* ⅛ teaspoon saffron, dissolved in 2 tbs warm water (optional)
* 1 lb frozen lima beans
* ¼ cup dried dill weed, or ¾ cup freshDirections
* Cook lima beans until done. Drain. Set aside. 2.
* Bring a large pot of salted water to boil. 3.
* Add rice to water. Boil 5–10 minutes, until rice is no longer crunchy, but still firm. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking. 4.
* Drain rice in colander. 5.
* Mix beans and dill weed with the rice. 6.
* Put half of the melted margarine in the bottom of the rice pot. 7.
* Put the rice back into the pot, a spoonful at a time, heaping it into a mound, not touching sides of pot. 8.
* With a chopstick or similar tool, poke holes in the rice in several places. 9.
* Pour the remaining melted margarine over the rice. 10.
* Cover the underside of the pot lid with a dish towel, and put lid tightly on pot. 11.
* Cook rice about 20 minutes over medium heat, then turn heat to low, and cook for another 30 minutes. 12.
* The rice on the bottom of the pot should become golden and crispy. 13.
* Soak bottom of pot in cold water for a few minutes, to loosen this. 14.
* Put rice onto a serving platter, surrounded by chunks of crispy rice. 15.
* Take ⅔ cup of the rice, mix it with the dissolved saffron, and sprinkle over the rest of the rice as a garnish.